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2D/3D playback mode switch
archa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2014 06:31 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hi to all!
At now i try to make a choice between PowerDVD and TotalMedia Theatre as external player for XBMC. I try a PowerDVD and everything works like i want, but i don't know and doesn't found some features:
- how can i switch playback mode between 2D and 3D from keyboard shortcut (bind this to my mce remote)? In TMT6 autodiscover movie type works properly and when i run 2D movie 2D playback mode is activated, but when i run a 3D movie, then 3D playback mode is activated. In PowerDVD if I choose 3D playback mode, then all the movies, and 2D inclusive, playing in 3D mode
- how can i close PowerDVD window after playback stop? In TMT6 for this i use command prompt param.

Sorry for my bad English

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Jul 22. 2014 07:04

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Have you made a decision yet?

In PowerDVD, switch to Cinema Mode and see if your remote has the functionality you are looking for. Yiou can set the cinema mode to automatically detect 2d vs 3D and play the video in the appropriate setting.

Cinema mode is designed to work via a remote.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 31. 2014 18:41

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archa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2014 06:31 Messages: 5 Offline
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Of course i using PowerDVD in Cinema mode and i set automatically detection 3D video. But when i set this PowerDVD plays all my video in 3D. I want to play 3D as 3D and 2D as 2D, i don't want 2D->3D conversion...

Thx for your answer!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 01. 2014 00:29

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Quote: Of course i using PowerDVD in Cinema mode and i set automatically detection 3D video. But when i set this PowerDVD plays all my video in 3D. I want to play 3D as 3D and 2D as 2D, i don't want 2D->3D conversion...

Thx for your answer!

Sorry, I don't get the same issue you do so I can't offer any more suggestions. Are you playing to a 3D TV that has setting to enable/disable/auto detect? .
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Conca [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2014 06:09 Messages: 5 Offline
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Please help!

I have PDVD 14 and wanna watch 3D movies.

when i used win 7, its everything was perfect, when i pressed 3d turned on.

Now iam using windows 8.1, and when i would like to swich 3d mode, it not works!

"Enable 3d stereo unsucessfull"

Why not? Win 7 works, win 8.1 why not?

I have intel core2duo e8500 and amd radeon 6670 1 gb.

Thanks for your help!
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Quote: HI!

Please help!

I have PDVD 14 and wanna watch 3D movies.

when i used win 7, its everything was perfect, when i pressed 3d turned on.

Now iam using windows 8.1, and when i would like to swich 3d mode, it not works!

"Enable 3d stereo unsucessfull"

Why not? Win 7 works, win 8.1 why not?

I have intel core2duo e8500 and amd radeon 6670 1 gb.

Thanks for your help!

Hi, Welcome to the forum. It is always better to start your own thread. You have just the opposite problem than the original poster in this thread so it is doubtful that any suggestions made to him would be useful for you. If someone replied, it would cause confusion about whom the replay was addressed.

Please start your own thread and tell us what the Cyberlink 3D tool tells you about your set up. I bet it is how the computer display is set up.

Go here and run the test: .
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archa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2014 06:31 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote: Sorry, I don't get the same issue you do so I can't offer any more suggestions. Are you playing to a 3D TV that has setting to enable/disable/auto detect?

Yes, I watch movies on 3D TV Sony 55W808 and he (TV) have a autodetection setting... When I set in PowerDVD the Playback Mode in "3D" and set Source Format in "Auto Detect Format" all my movies playing in 3D. When I set in PowerDVD Playback Mode in 2D, then all my movies playing in 2D (3D BD iso also).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 03. 2014 09:28

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Quote: Sorry, I don't get the same issue you do so I can't offer any more suggestions. Are you playing to a 3D TV that has setting to enable/disable/auto detect?

Yes, I watch movies on 3D TV Sony 55W808 and he (TV) have a autodetection setting... When I set in PowerDVD the Playback Mode in "3D" and set Source Format in "Auto Detect Format" all my movies playing in 3D. When I set in PowerDVD Playback Mode in 2D, then all my movies playing in 2D (3D BD iso also).

Have you checked to make sure your TV is working properly? Do you have a 3D computer monitor to try to see what happens when you switch. .
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archa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2014 06:31 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote: Have you checked to make sure your TV is working properly? Do you have a 3D computer monitor to try to see what happens when you switch.

I'm sure that my TV works properly. TMT in that case work fine, but he don't want adjust right refresh rate at 3D mode...
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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What is TMT (as you think the definition is)? Arcsoft? What has that to do with this program? Now are you saying there is a problem with refresh rate?

If two different programs have issues with playing your content, you should look elsewhere -- hardware?

Did you run the test? We can't help if you don;t provide enough information.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Aug 03. 2014 09:49

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
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archa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 22, 2014 06:31 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote: What is TMT (as you think the definition is)? Arcsoft? What has that to do with this program? Now are you saying there is a problem with refresh rate?

Yes, TMT this is Arcsoft. No, refresh rate is a problem of TMT. But in TMT auto detect 3D/2D works excelent. At now I have this:
- TMT right detect 2D/3D, but wrong set refresh rate
- PowerDVD right set refresh rate, but wrong detect 2D/3D
Traptor [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 17, 2014 10:09 Messages: 1 Offline
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Quote: Hi to all!
At now i try to make a choice between PowerDVD and TotalMedia Theatre as external player for XBMC. I try a PowerDVD and everything works like i want, but i don't know and doesn't found some features:
- how can i switch playback mode between 2D and 3D from keyboard shortcut (bind this to my mce remote)? In TMT6 autodiscover movie type works properly and when i run 2D movie 2D playback mode is activated, but when i run a 3D movie, then 3D playback mode is activated. In PowerDVD if I choose 3D playback mode, then all the movies, and 2D inclusive, playing in 3D mode
- how can i close PowerDVD window after playback stop? In TMT6 for this i use command prompt param.

Sorry for my bad English

My problem are same.
If 3D is switched off: all videos 2D, if 3D is switched on: all videos 3D (BD & BD3D) - independently from source.

In my system are: ATI HD6450 (with 1.4 hdmi), 1.4 hdmi cable, LG 42LA660S, Windows 7 Media Center

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 17. 2014 10:25

Emmanuel [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 29, 2015 08:52 Messages: 1 Offline
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This issue has been reported ages ago and I have no idea why Cyberlink isn't fixing it.

While PowerDVD is able to switch automatically between 2D and 3D when playing files (for example SBS or T&B), it's still unable to switch automatically to 3D or 2D when playing 2D or 3D bluray, even if the option to switch automatically is selected.

If at least there was a hotkey to enable 3D, it would help but even that isn't possible.

Cyberlink, what's difficult in looking if the \BDMV\SSIF folder is present, and switch to 3D if it is (as this is a 3D bluray) or switch to 2D if it isn't (as this would indicate a 2D bluray)?

Or at least, please give us a hotkey so we can toggle between 2D and 3D with a remote (Harmony, iRule, etc).

TMT is able to switch automatically according to the blyray type (2D or 3D) so it's clearly possible.

Please do something about this!
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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I just want to remind you that this is a USERS group and have no inside connection to Cyberlink. Seldom are there Cyberlink personnel visiting this site.

If you feel strongly about the request (and you can get others) to write to Cyberlink, that will perhaps convince them to make changes.

The last person who visited this thread befoe you was 7 months ago so there may not be a great demand. Perhaps an bother? .
BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
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Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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Thanks Steve.

I officially made that request a few years ago.

It was acknowledged by Michael from Cyberlink (who does read these forums, or at least used to at the time).

I made the same request with every new release, and after a while I gave up.

I wanted to post here mostly to explain that it was indeed an issue, an acknowledged one, and one that Cyberlink has clearly no intention to ever fix.

I guess that given the slow death of 3D less and less people care about this.

You are probably right, there is probably little demand for this, but for those like me who actually use 3D, it's one of the most annoying things about PowerDVD. The other most annoying thing is its incompatibility with the MCE remote which forces to make a special programming for it, but that's a discussion for another thread
Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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By the way, I just created a new official customer support request about this, QuestionID = CS001454838, I'll update this thread with the reply I get.

I suggest anyone else with the same issue creates a request ASAP.
Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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I don't think it's thanks to me, but after asking to escalate my request to add it as a suggestion for the development team, this is finally solved in PDVD 15! You can now set 3D options to play 3D blurays in 3D and 2D blurays in 2D! That's really great news and it makes PDVD much more usable.
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