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Computer bogs down, PD12 unrunnable after 5 minutes of using, not underpowered. I don't think...
Drakeskakes [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 01, 2014 04:04 Messages: 1 Offline
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I'm trying to run Cyberlink PD 12.
I have a Intel i7 860, 12gig of DDR3
ATI Radeon HD 5670

After about 5 minutes of editing video, it just stops wanting to do anything.
My temps hover around 42deg Celcius, capping out at 50 with about 40% load per core

I have ample cooling.
Aus_Sean [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Nov 27, 2013 19:55 Messages: 25 Offline
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You'll be asked for content so the moderator s can assist. See -;jsessionid=B02F5591E8B6C02665346B0A8A9F40F3
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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What other programs do you have running or open while doing video editing? The best response is nothing else. Run msconfig.exe to see the programs/processes that start at boot and check to change them to start later or when needed. There are some free programs that will also do this.

Do you have your antivirus set to NOT scan everything that is being written to you computer? Unless you are running other programs from the web, everything has already been scanned. .
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