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where do Produced videos go?
BillHansen [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Jan 03, 2012 12:43 Messages: 178 Offline
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OS is Win 7 SP1, all updatesI

n PD 12 we can choose where to save Produced videos. I don't see that option in the Settings of CDR2. In my case, a 3 clip 3 minutes video Produced in CDR wound up in the same folder I've elected to save videos I produce in PD12. That's okay - does CDR2 always save Produced videos in the folder which was chosen for vids from PD12? Can we chose a different folder if we want to do that? Bill Hansen
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Hello Bill,

The short answer is "Wherever you choose!"

Whether you're using CDR independently or from PDR, you can select the Output Folder in the Production module.

[Thumb - CDR_Produce Location.jpg]
CDR_Produce Location.jpg
109 Kbytes
389 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 18. 2014 20:56

PIX YouTube channel
BillHansen [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Jan 03, 2012 12:43 Messages: 178 Offline
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Thanks. How did I miss that? I really like CDR2's results. The ability to make my own presets is worth the price, all by itself.

Bill Bill Hansen
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Quote: How did I miss that?

Probably because it wasn't where you expect it to be, especially if you use PowerDirector a lot.

Good to know you're getting satisfying results from your work in ColorDirector.

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