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I don't understand anything about PowerDirector 7 editing
ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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I just bought PowerDirector 7 by downloading it and I don't understand the first thing about the video editing features. I looked at the help files and they are no help. I can't figure out "trim" or "multiple trim" I don't understand what "mark in" or "mark out" mean, these terms are not defined anywhere. I tried experimenting and I don't understand where the clips go, the audio is no longer synchronized to the video. In short, a total disaster. I can't find a manual explaining any of these terms or even a tutorial explanation for the basics.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Welcome to video editing.

Please have a look at some video... and then perhaps ask a specific question and outline the actions you're taking - even what you're attempting to do.

Video links:


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 08:11

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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I did ask specific questions. Speaking of which how can you sell software without defining terms, with incomplete manuals, and no tutorials?


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 10:16

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I have directed you to a video link that use the mark in and out TRIM feature in at least two videos.

The software is CyberLink's not mine! So if you wish to direct questions on the product help files please address it to:

You didn't ask a specific question - as there are no "?" at the end of any sentence - you were therefore merely passing comment.


I just bought PowerDirector 7 by downloading it and I don't understand the first thing about the video editing features. I looked at the help files and they are no help. I can't figure out "trim" or "multiple trim" I don't understand what "mark in" or "mark out" mean, these terms are not defined anywhere. I tried experimenting and I don't understand where the clips go, the audio is no longer synchronized to the video. In short, a total disaster. I can't find a manual explaining any of these terms or even a tutorial explanation for the basics.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 09:02

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Have you viewed the videos yet?

I have no wish to get into a pedantic pointless discussion with you on this matter - a waste of effort and my time. I have given you an answer.

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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I asked specific questions. You were the one who disputed the form in which I posed my question and introduced pedantic points of form. Why can no one explain the terms: "mark", "in", "out" as they pertain to this software.

Your videos assume that a person has already used the software. I have never used it before, so I hardly understand any of the manipulations in your videos.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 10:14

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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The videos are simplistic and are easy to follow.

IF you have got to the position of needing to use the Mark In/Out points in Trim you should be able to understand some form of video editing. I suggest you practice by copying some of the video exercises first using the Aquarium.mpg.

If you practice with the aquarium.mpg file and add, alter and multiply placing it in the video time-line.... after that ask specically what you're trying to achieve it would make things a lot easier for you.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 10:14

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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Please define the terms: "mark", "in", "out" as they pertain to this program.

You may find the programs simplistic and easy to follow, but you also created them, so may not be the best judge. I find them confusing and difficult to follow.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 10:15

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Picture a large round cake.
Now picture the cake being sliced up into many segments of differing sizes.
Imagine moving the slices around, swapping where they are.
The cake still is the cake but the slices have moved.

Video editing with a PC is just like that. We have a cake (the video) and we move the slices of it around adding a few bits (titles, transitions and effects etc) and then we produce our video.

The Trim tool (I use the Split function on the time-line as it is easier and quicker) is the means to define where you want to slice the video. You "mark" the start (in) and you "mark" the finish (out) and it is the points between that remain. The rest of the "cake/video" is hidden and appears removed from the video process.

With In/Out you are defining the place you wish either to KEEP or to DELETE.

I've used the cake so you'd get the picture. I haven't dumbed it down to insult as I think a sliced cake represnets what non-linear video editing is all about.

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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Thank you for your first explanation. If I understand correctly, the "trim" feature depends only on the time line, so is a one dimensional process (a function of time only). Your cake analogy is 2-dimensional, so I do not see why you are using it. At best, this analogy can be reduced to one dimensional by considering a slice to be determined by its intersection with the boundary circle (assuming that a s slice is a sector), but even so a circle would still identify the initial point of the video with the final point (wrap around). I do not believe that this assumption is correct. For these reasons, I do not understand why you call video editing "non linear".

I still do not understand how to delete multiple sections of a video. As you stated, marking "in" (that is, suppressing all that is to the left) and "out" (suppressing to the right) creates a segment supressing the outer segments. It is still not explained how to continue after one such procedure in order to suppress multiple segments. Moreover, when I attempted one single procedure, the audio was no longer synchronized. Please explain why the audio would no longer be synchronized.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 10:41

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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After some reflection, it appears that you use the term "non-linear" to mean "does not preserve the linear order". That is not the usual definition of non-linear, moreover, the resulting videos are all a function of time, so are a function of one dimension, that is, functions of a linear measurement.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Right, back to look at what you've posted. Please read the data found on the link provided:
wikipedia: "Non-linear editing for film and television postproduction is a modern editing method which involves being able to access any frame in a video clip with the same ease as any other. This method is similar in concept to the "cut and paste" technique used in film editing from the beginning. However, when working with film, it is a destructive process, as the actual film negative must be cut. Non-linear, non-destructive methods began to appear with the introduction of digital video technology.

Video and audio data are first captured to hard disks or other ........"

Is it an audio/video sync issue you're experiencing? That matter is already mentioned on the forum and is currently being investigated.


This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 11:43

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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Thanks for the definition of "non-linear editing" which differs in its adoption of the term "non-linear" from other usage of this term.

As I stated before, I do not understand where the file sections go. In other words, when trimming a video file and suppressing sections, it is never explained where the trim sections are stored temporarily and how to access these sections.

Where are the different trim sections kept in the software? How are these accessed? How are these combined?

In other words, I would like an explanation of how to trim a video. For example, for a video of length 5 minutes, I would like to trim the section from 1:01 to 2:00 and trim section 3:01 to 4:00 and combine the sections consisting of original parts 0:00 to 1:00, 2:01 to 3:00, 4:01 to 5:00. Absolutely nothing is explained about how to carry this out. I do not understand the first thing about how this is carried out. Could you please describe in detail how this is achieved.



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 04. 2008 15:02

ilan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2008 18:10 Messages: 8 Offline
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I would like an explanation of how to trim a video. For example, for a video of length 5 minutes, I would like to trim the section from 1:01 to 2:00 and trim section 3:01 to 4:00 and combine the sections consisting of original parts 0:00 to 1:00, 2:01 to 3:00, 4:01 to 5:00. Absolutely nothing is explained about how to carry this out. I do not understand the first thing about how this is carried out. Could you please describe in detail how this is achieved.



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 10. 2008 17:19

JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Not to be disrespectful or anything, but maybe a book like "Video Editing for Dummies" may help you out a lot. I have not looked at the newer releases but I did read that title 7-8 yrs ago. It was very helpful for grasping all the basic concepts and lingo. For instance, linear and non-linear editing was explained, as applied to video is not exactly intuitive based on the words as Dafydd pointed out.

Maybe this approach for PD7 may provide some more insight for you
1) drag the aquarium to the time line
2) in the preview window, type 5:00 to move the timeline cursor to exactly 5 seconds
3) click on the split button, you now have split the video in 2 pieces with the first being 5 seconds long
4) in the timeline you can now drag the second video, 14:28seconds worth, in front of the first video, 5 seconds worth
5) save your project. You now have a PD7 pds file that tells PD7 how to cut up a certain video. Namely, put the last 14:28sec worth in front of the first 5seconds worth.
6) to output your new rearranged pieces, go to Produce, and create a file of your output preference format, (i.e, avi, mpeg,...)

You can do the above as many times as you want to get the slices of "cake" moved or deleted exactly how you like them.

Warren [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 26, 2008 19:42 Messages: 1 Offline
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After struggling for two evenings trying to figure out editing, trimming and so on, I think I've stumbled upon the idiot's way to edit with PD7-- use the split function.

Example: If you want to remove the video from 01:00 to 01.30 (that's one minute to 1 minute 30 secs), move to 1.00 and click on split. You now have two pieces.

Next play or move to 1.30 and click on split again. You now have three pieces-- 0.00 to 1.00 which you want to keep, 1.00 to 1.30 which you want to lose, 1.30 to the end.

On the timeline, click the middle section and then the delete button-- looks like a trashcan.

There, you've removed the unwanted section. You can insert transition effects at the splits to make the video smoother.

Maybe eventually I can figure out the other editing functions, but this suits what I'd doing fine.

Too bad Cyberlink has such poor documentation. The downloadable "Guide" is just a pdf version of the help section and no more specific.

The concept of editing is generally understood. What is not understood are all the peculiar buttons, tricks, and terms used in programs to perform basic cut and paste operations.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Warren... I understand your issue with the general explanation of how to video edit - something I'm very aware of and sorting out.

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Warren and Ilan:

I'll try to help a bit, too.

Imagine a project that requires 3 scenes, you set up your camcorder and record scene 3 first (because it works out the people and facility are more convenient) then you record scenes 1 and 2.

On your tape (or media card) you have in this order scenes 3, 1, and 2.

Now, on each scene you preroll a few seconds to give some trim/edit room if needed and when the "action" is over you let the recording go a few seconds to again give you some "cutting" room for smoother edit or transition.

You now have 3 scenes that likely need some trimming at both ends and need to be placed in proper order in your production.

On the timeline I place a black "color board" for blank lead in followed by a fade (so that on the first scene I get a fade in from black). Then drag and drop scene 1 onto the timeline and trim the ends until I have a scene that is timed so the action starts and ends just right.

3 ways to trim. On the timeline click and drag the beginning of the scene to the right until you have it starting where you want with a fade in from black. Click and drag the right end (the end of the scene) to the left until it ends where you want.

Or double click on the scene (or click on the "trim" button) on the timeline and an edit window appears with markers at the beginning and end of the scene. You can move the markers to the points where you want the scene to begin and end.

Or the slice and delete method. Move the "scrubber" (the vertical line with the blue triangle at the top) to the point in a scene where you want to "cut" and click on "split", the scene is now split into two scenes, click on the one you now want to discard and follow that by clicking on the traschcan icon. The selected one "goes away". Do the same to discard the unwanted part at the end.

Now do the same with scenes 2 and 3 (remembering that you shot them out of order and are now placing them in order).

I suggest you take your camcorder and shoot 3 short scenes of anything and come back and edit them as described above. This will get you started on some of the basics. Manuals that come with editing software often assume one already knows some of the basics and many of us learned that by doing.

So shoot something and try some of the above, sometimes "doing" is where "understanding" comes from.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 03. 2008 13:10

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