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Importing DVR-MS files causes immediate crash in PD7
Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Jul 22, 2008 23:33 Messages: 20 Offline
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Upgraded to PD7 in May, have spent last 3 months with HELP line trying to fix problem of Crashing immediately on importing DVR-MS file to PD7 for editing.
Had no such problem with PD6
Have installed vs 1829, crashing on importing more consistently than vs 1714
Have installed vs 1911, crashes all the time when importing DVR-MS files, Can import VOB and WMV files and burn DVD ok, but not DVR-MS
Have rebuilt C: drive from scratch with Vista Ultimate so that PD7 was the only programme installed. Still crashed as soon as file was clicked on to OPEN
Have done all procedures noted in Forum for cleaning out all older copies of PD7 and the install programs,
Have followed Help Lines extra steps to delete installation files in the registry, prior to a new install
Have deleted all Cyberlink folders as directed
Have updated correctly VGA drivers and have checked compatibilty of DVD drive
Have supplied Help Line with several dxdiag.txt files by now and a few screen dumps just before I click on OPEN a DVR-MS file, after which it immediately crashes with no error messages and no warning.
And as you have guessed by now Help has not been able to help me and seem to provide the same platitudes to me as everyone else, "A new re-install will fix it" well it doesn't, not even new updates.
When looking through the registry it appeared as though PD7 was everywhere, you'd have to wonder whether there is a basic registry problem somewhere, with so many entries from just one programme.
PD7 works equally well (apart from the OPENing problem) in 1600 X1200, 32 bit colour as in 1024 X 768, 16 bit colour.
If anyone could suggest what is wrong with this basic opening and importing step for large (6.0GB) DVR-MS files your help would be much appreciated.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi John,

Have you been asked to supply the DVR-MS files to CyberLink RD for them to check and test?

Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Jul 22, 2008 23:33 Messages: 20 Offline
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Hi Dafydd,
No I haven't as yet but sending 6 or 7GB appears difficult via the internet, and I can't burn the original file on a single DVD or is there some other means?
BUT, last night I managed to import the file, edit it and burn a DVD of the TV program without the ads. So how did it work?
Start DV7,
Saw dialogue screen open and file I needed appeared
Was called to tea !
about 1 hour later
clicked on file type and altered to VIDEO (includes dvr-ms)
clicked on file icon so as it was highlighted. It usually crashes immediately as I do this action
Slight delay and the Rich Video screen responded with the file information. "No rich video do I want to split into chapters."
Ignored this and clicked on OPEN
PD7 began to convert and import !!! I often hope this will happen regularly but it doesn't
Maybe 20 mins. later the file was ready to put into the storyboard for editing
Successful edit and burn
NEXT tried to open a second different dvr-ms file and as soon as I clicked on the second file CRASH. PD7 vanished from the screen.
I don't think a programme should be so sensitive to crashing especially as it has just worked for one file and then won't open a second file that has been opened eventually once before.
And it always crashes just as I either CLICK or RIGHT CLICK the program icon, it just vanishes from the screen with no warning.
Is it a time thing because the file is so large, the computer thinks it can't handle it and just says "Oh no not this big" and crashes !!!???
Thanks for any light you can throw onto this, I don't think there are any problems with the dvr-ms files as all of them (6 in total) have eventually been burned over the past 3 months but it seems by chance, Hobson's or Rafferty's rules decide whether the program will open the file or just crash

John D
Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Jul 22, 2008 23:33 Messages: 20 Offline
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Hi Dafydd again,
I noticed a new upgrade for PD7 vs 1915, so downloaded and installed.
Ran the updated version of PD7 and clicked on the file I had previously edited and burned and the updated version converted and opened. ok
So closed that project once the file had been converted
Removed that file from c:drive and put it back onto my F: drive which is a USB external 760MB hard disk
Copied an earlier file back to the folder in C: drive
Opened PD7
Clicked on import media, the orange coloured button
Clicked on the newly transferred file and IMMEDIATE CRASH, it did not import or convert,
see screen dump just prior to crash
[Thumb - PD7Err07.jpg]
87 Kbytes
171 time(s)
Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Jul 22, 2008 23:33 Messages: 20 Offline
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Hi Dafydd yet again
I just tried some variations of trying to open large DVR-MS files and got a new error message, see attached
Run PD7 as administrator (probably not needed, but I am trying different variations just in case)
click on Orange Open Media button
Select type as VIDEO
Select object name box
click on dvr-ms file to open it, first time it immediately crashed
next time I got the attached error message
Any ideas?
[Thumb - PD7err08.jpg]
90 Kbytes
163 time(s)
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