I initially developed a project and sized all my images and video to maximum (above the dotted line for TV safe mode). The play back on the PC was fine but on TV play many of my titles were either truncated in width or just off the bottom of the screen. I edited the entire project re-sizing all images and video to fit within the 16:9 TV safe area. I also ensured that any txt titles were within this frame. On my LG 40" and my LG 32" TV's everything is fine. However when my neighbour (who I made the project for) plays on his Panasonic Viera 40" set to AR of 16:9 any title txt that I set the full width of the photo is truncated on the left and the right. Also many titles txt that I placed just inside the dotted TV safe area are truncated at the bottom and only the top half can be seen. I tried all his TV AR settings and the Zoom only zoom out not in and the others are no better.
I just cannot fathom why it is OK on my two TV's but not on his. I suspect it is his TV that's the problem and not my design and settings in PD etc.
Has anyone come across this type of problem before and can offer a solution other than going through the entire project image by image and re-sizing by guess work ti fit the images and videos inside the dotted TV 16:9 Safe Area. Help!