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Error code eC0030011 when burning
Scott61 [Avatar]
Member Location: Wichita, KS Joined: Aug 20, 2011 04:43 Messages: 126 Offline
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I recently purchased a new laptop with windows 8 and upgraded to 8.1. I successfully burned one project without any trouble. I am now on my second project and am now getting a eC0030011 error. I have read a post from August 2013 regarding a similar issue. I have tried to produce the project. I don't get an error code, but after about 10 minutes the percent completed was still zero. Not sure if that is an accurate way to determine a "problem."

When I tried to burn with create folder I got the message. After reading previous post I removed the menu and tried burning without a menu and still had some issue. I tried to burn without creating a folder and no luck. Please let me know if you have any other ideas.

On this computer I have had for about two weeks the monitor is only about 70% brightness. After calling CS at Sony and their troubleshooting I was told that it appears there may be an issue in the OS and they are recommending a reinstall of it. Yet that issue was there when I burned my first project without problem.

Thanks for the help I know I will get.
[Thumb - error capture.PNG]
error capture.PNG
error code and message
142 Kbytes
66 time(s)
96 Kbytes
616 time(s)
Scott Wright
Wichita, KS
Scott61 [Avatar]
Member Location: Wichita, KS Joined: Aug 20, 2011 04:43 Messages: 126 Offline
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When I added dxdiag2 to first message it didn't take. Here it is.
96 Kbytes
489 time(s)
Scott Wright
Wichita, KS
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