Hi Alan,
So.. from what I gather, you've installed software onto your computer that clashes with PowerDirector -
VERSION 6 (Or do you know something I don't?).
P2Go4 (free) is a cut down version I think - cant write DVD's.
I always have my security settings on...
Burning software - yes even Pinnacle's can and do cause problems.
I use PD and other editing software BUT I burn my discs using P2Go 5.5 - from past experience and the limitations of Windows and drivers I'm careful.
Uninstall/Reinstall PD - it should overwrite pinnacle. Do the same for the rest. I'm not a P2Go techie...
Then try the following way to re-install PowerDirector:
a.) Start--> Programs -->Cyberlink PowerDirector --> Uninstall PowerDirector
b.) Start --> Run --> type "regedit" --> click "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" --> click "Software" --> locate "Cyberlink" ----> click the "+" (if you have more than one CyberLink product) -->Delete the "PowerDirector" folder
c.) Start --> Run --> type "regedit"--> click "Hkey_Current_user" --> click
"Software" --> locate "Cyberlink" ----> click the "+" (if you have more than one CyberLink product) -->Delete "PowerDirector" folder.
d.) Delete C:\Programs Files\Cyberlink\PowerDirector
And reboot your PC.
After this, please install your PowerDirector 6.0.
Do the same for the other software.
During installation please note that PD6 requires you to allow DivX to access the internet.
I am a newbie at this and am experiencing the same problems as Bruce. I have downloaded the freebies Power2Go 4 and Lablemaker from CyberLink and all went well until I tried to open them then the hourglass ran for 5secs then nothing. I have burnt a DVD using PowerDirector 7 and all ok but Power2Go and Lablemaker just won't fire up. I am a little disappointed with CyberLink as PD7 would not run either. I had to find out for myself that Samsung phone software stopped it from working.
Help tells me to turn off all security, which I won't do as wireless modems are connected to the Internet all the time. Is there a way round this. The only other burning program that I have is Pinnacle.
What can I do to get these working