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(SOLVED) Audio/video sync problem
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Any help would be apreciated.

After editing sound (boost+equaliser) on AudioDirector (updated version 4) on a video file from a home made DVD, when the file returns to PowerDirector (updated version 12) it's allways out of sync vídeo/áudio.

Seems to me that still is a non solved problema within powerdirector. Very disapointing.

Any help or clues to solve this problem?

Thanks to all

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 13. 2014 16:35

Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne, Australia Joined: Jul 14, 2009 04:23 Messages: 2208 Offline
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Quote: Any help would be apreciated.

After editing sound (boost+equaliser) on AudioDirector (updated version 4) on a video file from a home made DVD, when the file returns to PowerDirector (updated version 12) it's allways out of sync vídeo/áudio.

Seems to me that still is a non solved problema within powerdirector. Very disapointing.

Any help or clues to solve this problem?

Thanks to all

Hi quim

Welcome to the forum

Do you have the latest updates for AudioDirector and PowerDirector?

Good luck and happy editing

Happing editing

Best Regards


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quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Hi Neil,

Yes I have.

Thank you quim11
borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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What is the format of the audio file?
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Hi borgus1,

At first was a VOB's audio track, after wavedirector editing, became a WAV file.

Thanks for your interest, hope you can help.

Thanks quim11
Senior Member Location: Southeast US Joined: Jun 19, 2013 14:33 Messages: 156 Offline
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Quote: Any help or clues to solve this problem?
On my system, even at the lower preview resolutions, clips get out of sync very quickly when played on the timeline, but the finished product is in sync. The way I check for sync before rendering is with Render Preview, described in this You Tube video:

You can do this at any stage in the editing process. What I do is check about 10 or 15 seconds of the video near the end after I do my sound and video edits but before doing any cutting, then after cutting out the unwanted parts, as the last thing I do before producing, check it again.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 29. 2014 12:42

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quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Hi BillyR,

Tryed your sugestion, but still out of sync.

But anyway, thanks for your help.

More clues? quim11
Senior Member Location: Southeast US Joined: Jun 19, 2013 14:33 Messages: 156 Offline
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Quote: Hi BillyR,

Tryed your sugestion, but still out of sync.

But anyway, thanks for your help.

More clues?
Have you burned the file to a DVD or produced it to another format; i. e, MP4, and checked to see if it is still out of sync? If not, do so and check. As I said, it may be out of sync when previewing in PD 12 but the finished product may be in sync, which is the case with me. Dell Precision 7510 Laptop
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit | Intel(R) XEON(R) CPU E3-1505M v5 @2.80 GHz
RAM: 32 GB
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quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Tried your sugestion and burned the DVD, no luck, still out of sync...! quim11
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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I've just realized what happens: no mather the file type that you have on your video file, when you edit the clip’s sound on audiodirector from powerdirector, audiodirector automatically converts the file to a wave file. And don’t no why (bug?), but the size of the wave file is diferent from the original file (on my case was a pcm file).

I think this is a question that cyberlink should adress on future updates.

borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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WAV files are PCM (pulse code modulation) encoded. And they shouldn't be out of sync. Most other users do not report that problem.

Please attach a dxDiag file here, so folks can size up your system. See parts A and B in the "sticky" post at the head of this forum: "Welcome to PowerDirector forums."
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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... when you edit the sound of a video on powerdirector and you transfer it to audiodirector, should have an option of asking if you want to keep the original format of the sound file.

I think that would be a way of avoiding problems with files size and sinc problems. quim11
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Here it goes:

Powerdirector Ultimate 12.0.2509.0

12 Kbytes
324 time(s)
Senior Member Location: Southeast US Joined: Jun 19, 2013 14:33 Messages: 156 Offline
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Others more qualified than I will analyze this computer system, but I would hate to try to use this program on a 32-bit system. Don't know if it has anything to do with the problem or not, but I don't believe 3318MB RAM is anywhere near adequate for this task. Dell Precision 7510 Laptop
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit | Intel(R) XEON(R) CPU E3-1505M v5 @2.80 GHz
RAM: 32 GB
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quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Here goes the problem that I'm having. File 1 (file on powerdirector) you see the length of 33:21:11, on file 2 (same file on audiodirector) you see the length of 33:30:720!! That means a 00:09 diference!
125 Kbytes
333 time(s)
47 Kbytes
328 time(s)
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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BillyR, thanks for your help.

Just in case, I've tried on my other computer (see file) and same problema again.
12 Kbytes
489 time(s)
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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I hope that someone at Cyberlink adress this issue, otherwise I'll stop using Powerdirector for most tasks wich I would regret. quim11
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Is this problem only when you edit the audio in WaveEditor or Audio Director?

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Hi Carl,

It's only when I edit audio on audiodirector from a vídeo that came from powerdirector. quim11
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi quim111 -

The issue has been raised previously - - & on other occasions, I'm sure.

That is a serious difference in duration! It starts off in PD as 33:21:11 but in ADR it's 33:30:720. You're right - ignore the frames/milliseconds - it's 9 seconds different.

What's the duration when it is brought back into PowerDirector?

A while back I did a few tests on different video/audio clips to see if I could find a pattern. Those tests were inconclusive. I've never seen a difference like that!

Cheers - Tony

P.S. As an avid/addicted scrabble player, I have concerns about the origin of your nick

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 09. 2014 11:15

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