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Not showing PIP objects & titles etc from previous versions. I got them back.
Peter B. [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Sunshine Coast, Qld. Australia Joined: Apr 07, 2007 21:13 Messages: 21 Offline
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I just installed PD12 Ultimate & expected to see all my previous PIP objects, particles & titles etc from the previous versions & was quite surprised to see none of them. In PD11 they were listed separately right back to verson 8 in some cases. I am also surprised that this has not been mentioned as an issue on here. I have many of these objects & titles that I use frequently & it was very annoying to find none of them there. Why does this version not show them all? I did have around 200 PIP objects & about 150 titles.

Luckily my PD 11 was still there so I could access them if I needed to. I have also managed to bring all the missing items into PD12 easily. Since this doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone I won't bother going to the trouble of listing how to do it.

On another point.. although you can add magic motion to all the images at once there still doesn't seem to be a way to choose or change the transition from the default fading one (crossfade). I have to manually select each transition & change it to the other one (overlap) which is very time consuming when there are a lot of photos. Would it be so hard to let the user choose which type of fade to use before it applies the effect? Little things like that make it annoying where it should not be.
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You must install the 2 packages Premium and Etentiales all effects is present, and some new, no longer separated by version as it was in PD11.
Custon and download effects, PD12 should be normal

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 25. 2014 07:11

AMD-FX 8350 / 8GB DDR3
SSD SUV400S37240G / 2-HD WD 1TB
AMD Radeon R9 270 / AOC M2470SWD
Windows 7-64 / PD16 Ultimate
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Quote: On another point.. although you can add magic motion to all the images at once there still doesn't seem to be a way to choose or change the transition from the default fading one (crossfade). I have to manually select each transition & change it to the other one (overlap) which is very time consuming when there are a lot of photos. Would it be so hard to let the user choose which type of fade to use before it applies the effect? Little things like that make it annoying where it should not be.

Hi Peter -

Yes - a time consuming process. I see the problem.

Have you ever compared the difference between cross & overlap transitions when applied to an image? To me, it's hard to spot (attached)

An alternative (less time consuming) process might be to:
1. Uncheck the "Add transition between photos..." option in preferences
2. Apply Magic Motion to photos
3. Add desired transitions to Favourites
4. From Transitions > Favourites, use the Apply Random Transitions to All Videos

Much more efficient than changing each transition separately.

Cheers - Tony
[Thumb - Transitions.png]
32 Kbytes
122 time(s)
Image Transitions.wmv
1099 Kbytes
257 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 26. 2014 15:45

Peter B. [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Sunshine Coast, Qld. Australia Joined: Apr 07, 2007 21:13 Messages: 21 Offline
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Thanks Tony. Yes that would be much quicker!

There is quite a difference in the transitions when they are moving which is what I am doing. It just doesn't look good when the 1st pic is moving then it fades to the other pic which starts off still then starts moving - kinda looks jerky if you know what I mean especially if the 2nd pic is moving faster (the 2nd pic in the sample you sent is only moving very slowly. Try it with more movement & you'll see what I mean). If the images are still it is ok. But also I like to use the overlap fade as it has a more pleasing blending effect from 1 to the other.

Anyway, I'll certainly try what you suggested next time. I just think there should be a choice of which type you want to use rather than forcing 1 on you.

Thanks again.

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