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Canon HV30 & PowerDirector
Ian [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 05, 2008 07:20 Messages: 3 Offline
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Hi guys,

I have just gotten into Hidef & have a Canon HV30.

Previous to this I used Pinnacle 9 for all my video work.

Versions 10 & 11 seem a bit unstable from reports, so I have dabbled in a couple of trials.

First was Ulead Video Studio11+ , it was very good & very stable , BUT I couldnt write back tothe Canon in HiDef, further googling revealed that it is a problesm with the HV20/30 that some programs dont agree with it in write back mode.

Anyway do I downloaded the trial of Power Director 7, captured & edited OK, Although the rendering process was heaps slower than the Uleads Product. Tried writing HD back to the Canon, it almost worked , I had a couple of spots where the video would just drop out & all I had was a blue screen.It was probably less than 2 secs all up, much much better than VS but still not good enough for me to buy it, if it drops out even for a few secs.

My Q is , does anyone here have a Canon HV20 or 30?? Have you tried to write back HD to the camera from PD>>???

cheers & thanks in advance

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jun 05. 2008 07:30

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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I have an HV20 and PD7 and have had no problems wiriting HD videos back to the camcorder.
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