1. I have noticed sometimes that the timeline plays out of sync even after creating a disk. For example, I had problem where I had a couple of photos with transitions in between followed by an mpeg video. When the second photo in the timeline was visible it started playing the audio from the video clip before it was even to that video sequence, so when it got to the video clip the sound and video were out of sync since the sound was playing way before the video. I had to delete all the photos and that video clip and reinsert them and it was ok again. Not sure why this happened. One thing I did do though when I was authoring the disk was select all photos in the timeline and click on duration to globally change the duration on all photos. This is a nice feature by the way that wasn’t in the V6, but this might be where a bug is. Not sure.
2. I have noticed after creating a new menu template, every time I go into my new template just to modify only, it always wants to save it again with a new thumbnail and it create a whole new template. I don’t really like this feature, if it is one, since its creates a bunch of templates every time I just modify it. I hope this gets changed.
This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Jun 03. 2008 11:15