I'm new to Photodirector and this thread is to check I've got my Mum using PhD correctly on her new laptop and to try and solve an issue we are experiencing.
Here's my Mum's (very simple) work flow; She imports a number of photos from an SD card in to a folder on the laptops hard drive. She opens PhotDirector and imports that folder in to the project. She edits and saves each photo (not necessary to save as). When they are all done (typically about ten photos) she closes PhotoDirector and uploads her photos to Ebay. Once she's finished with Ebay she deletes the photos from the folder.
On the next occasion she imports more photos from an SD card to the same folder and when in PhotoDirector she just Synchronises that folder to update it and goes through the edit and save process.
As far as I can tell this is the best and simplest way for her to work, and it seems to work well. Please tell me if I got this wrong.
Now for the issue we have experienced. After editing any amount of photos in a folder if I close the software and reopen it, edited photos in that folder now will not show in the viewer. Sometimes they won't even show in the browser, just a grey space where they should be. Photo's in the folder that have not been edited/adjusted act fine. I have checked to make sure no filters are turned on, as far as I can tell. The only way to rectify the problem is to remove the folder from the library and re-import it. At this point everything is good again.
I understand there are no updates for our version. Would you recommend buying the full version?
Any help very much appreciated! Happy New Year!