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PD6 - Disc Menu Designer user unfriendliness
Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 28, 2008 16:39 Messages: 30 Offline
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Wow. This seems to be a familiar theme. I keep trying to give PD the benefit of the doubt, but the frustration only surfaces in another location. Does anyone else have difficulty with the interface of the disc menu designer. I find it very tricky navigating between custom menus without often losing a template simply because the way the menu designer works.

1. When I am modifying a custom template for a different episode of the same show, I have to save it three and four times in the design process because PD has a tendency to crash as I am making the template and I lose my work. Then, when I go back to delete the intermediate templates once the final is finished, the menu designer has a tendency to keep defaulting back to the final and deleting the wrong template, usually the final! Very frustrating to say the least!

2. I just spent an hour making a custom template, only to have menu designer delete it when I tried to rename it. This too has happened more than once. I highlighted the template, clicked rename. When I clicked the delete button to remove letters in the highlighted title text, the designer deletes the template. To my chagrin, I clicked the delete button twice because I wanted to remove several letters in the first word, and PD deleted the current template as well as defaulting back to the first template in the custom templates folder and deleted the first template too. Other programs at least ask you first to make sure you want to delete a complete template before performing the operation.

3. As noted in a previous post, the disc designer has issues not highlighting text links and navigation buttons, even though I click on the appropriate commands in the button menus. For some reason, the highlight colors do not carry over into the preview or the disc burn. The only way I have found around this problem, is to rebuild a menu from scratch every time. Not very time/cost effective.

4. Why does the alignment on the text links always go out of alignment whenever I reopen the template for editing?

5. Why does the disc designer not default to apply to all pages instead of defaulting to only applying a particular feature to just the first page, and having you click the apply to all pages button? I can understand the current page default when initially working with a template, but when you have to check the box every time on templates that are already built, it seems the program should default to previous settings for a template to make menu editing easier.

6. I am not able to delete images used on a previous template that I am modifying for a new episode. When I try to click and delete, the image stays. If I click on the "deleted" image again, PD crashes. Consequently, I often have menu templates for a series of shows with menus having two and three images from previous episodes hidden in the background. This has to pose size and memory issues which causes crashes.

7. There is no feature to allow background image changes in text menus as exists with thumbnail menus. The only real workaround is to add an image and expand the borders to cover the menu screen. But then, this poses annoying issues with editing text on the same screen as the designer has a nasty habit of giving the image precedence even when you try to put the image in the background. Usually I have to resort to the Object Menu to navigate between text objects. If I wait until the end to add the image and add all my text first, I can usually forestall a few PD crashes and the above noted navigation headaches. However, I invariably need to adjust the text around the image, and the crashes, alignment annoyances and navigation gymnastics ensue. Heaven forbid, I need to open, close and reopen the template more than once; and this does not take into account all the intermediate templates I have to make between the first and final versions and the gauntlet I run when trying to sort out which templates are keepers and which are to be deleted, not to mention having to rename the good ones (which I cross my fingers and hope I perform correctly so the designer does not delete it).

Another long post on annoying features with PD6. If I am doing something the hard way, will someone please tell me something easier. I am spending way too much time remaking templates, troubleshooting the program, writing on forums and justifying the expense of this program.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 30. 2008 15:42

Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 28, 2008 16:39 Messages: 30 Offline
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I realize I sound like a broken record, and I regret I went from a positive supporter of PowerDirector to a disgruntled-sounding malcontent, but this software really does have issues that make it very user-unfriendly. Once again, the Disc Menu Designer is crashing consistently and I can only tell when but not why or how to prevent it other than rebuilding a template every time as if it were the first.

Using the paintbrush template, I built a custom disc menu with four thumbnails with chapter titles (Chapter 1, chapter 2, etc) and four separate title lines of text. The menu spans two pages. The thumbnails are still shots, no motion. I used this template successfully once. As the series has three episodes, I opened this template a second time, changed the wording of the text lines to reflect the new episode but I did not change the chapter titles text. I also deleted one line of unnecessary text and adjusted the first text line to make the second line's deletion less noticeable. I also made some minor changes in the fonts and their color to highlight the character of the second episode. Nothing else changed. The background is a colorboard, not an image. No problems, the template worked great, and the disc was burned without problems. For the third episode, I opened the second custom template, changed the wording of the title text lines as before and added one line of text (similar to the first template). I changed the color of the chapter headings. No other changes. When I clicked the template save button, PD crashed. I reopened the program, then the project, then the disc menu designer, then the second template (the third template was completely lost), and tried again. PD crashed. I repeated the process numerous times with the same results. I then opened the template and made changes one at a time, this time saving each change as an individual template to determine which step was causing the crash. When I only changed the font color, the template would save. If I adjusted the text line locations in any way, PD crashed. If I added a line of text, PD crashed. If I changed the font, PD crashed. Mysteriously, when I changed the font color first and saved it as a new template, PD functioned without a glitch. But when I then modified the text of this new template, PD crashed. When I reopened the project and disc menu designer, the new template with the font color changes defaulted back to the original template colors and fonts as if the changes never happened. Go figure.

Thinking the glitch was in the second custom template, I opened the first template in the series and tried to modify the text. I had the exact same problems as experienced with the second template in the exact same places. PD crashed every time I changed the font or the wording (I did not change the text positioning as the first template had four lines of text already.).

I shut down all background programs, ie, antivirus, anti-spyware, every media program, anything that was not necessary. The results were the same. PD keeps crashing when I change the text or the text line positions. This did not happen on either of the first two templates. I have had this same problem before when I modified custom templates, and the only solution was to rebuild the template with exact same architecture with new wording.

Admittedly, I am now tying up all the open series for which PD has a template. I have finally had enough. I am tired of trying to justify the time I am spending sorting out this program. Maybe the problem is me, but I have yet to learn anything about what I should be doing other than being told my machine is the problem. I originally invested time and money in PD because it had reviews claiming it was a stellar program for the novice video editor, but after all the aggravation of trying to get the program to work with the limited Help Index that never seems to have the answers to the questions I am asking, the aggravation of dealing with the abysmal customer service and knowledge base at Cyberlink Technical Support, the aggravation of spending more time troubleshooting than actual editing, and the aggravation of asking the same questions over and over with little to no response, even if it were someone telling me I have no idea what I am talking about and I should be banned for wasting bandwidth, I honestly question whether the reviewers who touted the merits of PD (which was why I went with PD in the first place) had more than a snootful when they gave PD a gold star rating.

Just the rantings of frustrated novice.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 30. 2008 15:42

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I've seen your dissertations here Jim and while I have sympathy for your plight you appear to be the only one experiencing issues with PowerDirector 6 on this scale. I'm not going to suggest any more actions because I have done all that previously.

I hope you're submitting these reports back to Cyberlink's Customer Support as they are the ones who will respond to you on the issues you're experiencing.

Please consider the reader when you start writing - keep it simple and just the facts, just the facts.


Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 28, 2008 16:39 Messages: 30 Offline
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Length is a catch 22. When I only give bullet-brevity comments, I am given form letter advice that I have already tried or does not apply. I am then asked to be specific in what I did and the steps I took to arrive where I ended up. What do I do when the rote answers do not work? Consider my time and money a donation to Cyberlink and move on to some other software? Or just purchase the upgrade to PD7 and hope it works better than PD6?

As to the Cyberlink Tech Support, you are kidding right? Their inanity was why I ended up in this forum. Maybe if the techs responded as if they knew more about the program than supplying me with standard cut and paste answers that had little to nothing to do with the problem I was detailing to them, I would consider talking with them a viable option. In the end, the techs were focused more on me constantly sending and resending my personal information and proof of purchase than they were in solving the problems I detailed to them. I am old enough to know when I am being shuffled by a three-card Monty.

So I guess from your response, my issues are beyond the realm of this forum, as no one else has experienced these problems to this degree? I always wanted to be unique, but I was hoping more for celebrity and lucrative endorsements.

Thank you for the help on those issues where things went right, Dafydd. I also appreciate the professional and polite way of telling me to take my issues with PD elsewhere instead of dumping them here. Most other forums just ban you outright. Admittedly, I am new to PD6 and may not know what I am doing, and I do not have the technical expertise to deeply sort out how to make PD play nice within my system. Hopefully, there are other video editing programs out there that are more forgiving.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I'm trying to get you to approach Customer Support directly simply because they need to know. I also want you to limit the amount you write so the reader can quickly grasp what the situation is. The very short bullet point approach is the one you should adopt when posting here and when contacting others. Less is best will bring results.

Members do not want to read overly long individual postings.

Please attach screenshots of the issues you face. 100kbs max and 3 images per posting.


Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 28, 2008 16:39 Messages: 30 Offline
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Simple update, Dafydd. I gave another try in contacting the Cyberlink Technical Support last Saturday morning around 10:00 am. I BRIEFLY annotated five separate issues I have been having with PD6. I gave them SHORT descriptions of each problem and how they happened. About seven hours later, I got a response from the Cyberlink saying I was not eligible for assistance because their records showed I previously received a refund for my purchase of the PD software. I immediately informed them they were in error as I have never requested nor received a refund. I politely asked them to provide me with proof of my refund just as they always ask me for proof of my purchase. That was four days ago.

No response. No follow up. No proof. No answers. Wow, deja vu all over again.

So much for great Tech Support, and their interest in resolving issues with their software.


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jun 04. 2008 00:46

Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 28, 2008 16:39 Messages: 30 Offline
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Well, I just received another email from Cyberlink Tech Support. They now want me to again prove how and when I purchased PD. Please help me out here. Cyberlink has me on file receiving a refund I never requested or received. One would think that also means they have me on file first owning the software. So providing them with proof of initial purchase before the alleged refund does what to showing them I did not receive a refund at all? The refund is downstream of the initial purchase. Just what does me proving my ownership have to do with refuting the refund or more importantly, the questions I asked about the software? This fiasco was exactly what I referenced above when I said Cyberlink Tech Support is little to no value in sorting out problems with PD. They have different priorities when it comes to customer service. Silly me, I just want to know how to make PD work as claimed. Yeah, I know, spending $1,500 or so on a new machine and upgrading to PD7 will solve all my problems.

I give up.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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The questions I ask are pretty basic.

Who is GizmoBlip?
When did you purchase PD6?
When did you indicate to CyberLink you wanted a refund because you were upset about PD6?
Have you gone through your emails and re-read them?
Did you check your Card statements and looked for the refund?

Once a refund is initiated I should think it goes through very quickly and will end up as a credit to the debit Card payment - returned from whence the payment came from.

The onus now is definately on you - as a refund has been given.

If as CyberLink indicates you've been given a refund for PD6, you're not entitled to use the software.


Jim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 28, 2008 16:39 Messages: 30 Offline
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I am not in this to be chided or contentious. The answers are very basic too.

1. GizmoBlip was just a username. I figured AwesomeSuperVideoGod was a bit over the top. I have used my real name at the end of my posts. I should have read the forum rules before my first post, my mistake. I did not think anyone would actually think my real name was GizmoBlip and Jim was a pseudonym, so I allowed myself the lazy luxury of keeping my profile the status quo. Lesson learned, name changed.

2. A little more than a week before my first post in this forum.

3. I never indicated to Cyberlink or anyone else that I wanted a refund. As noted in my last post here, I did not want a refund, I simply wanted PD6 to work as claimed. Generally speaking, the software is not bad. But where it does have its problems--and there are more than a few, it really is annoying and difficult to work with.

4. Yes, for more reasons than searching for a refund I never requested.

5. Again, regardless of what Cyberlink may have in its records, I have never requested or received a refund for this software. No, I do not have a credit in my credit card statements.

Dafydd, the onus is not on me. Proving initial purchase does not prove or refute I ever received a refund. If Cyberlink wishes to claim I received a refund, then they should at least provide me with some information as to where and to whom the refund went. Cyberlink may have given someone a refund, but that someone was not me. The onus is on Cyberlink to give me something to work with.

I have no issues with Cyberlink not wanting to answer questions from individuals who received refunds for their software, although I am a bit puzzled why a person who was so dissatisfied with a Cyberlink product that they demanded a refund (and got it) would continue using the product they did not like and would struggle with the Cyberlink Tech Support they knew would not know the answer. If you recall, I only approached them this last time because you wanted me to tell them my issues with PD6. I expected little from the exchange. Cyberlink is the one who does not care to listen about their product. So be it. I do not like being unique or wasting your time with long posts, so I just moved on.

C'est la vie!


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jun 05. 2008 20:30

Gary [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 15, 2008 12:28 Messages: 11 Offline
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this is somewhat realted to texting issues which I'm having with PD7. I cannot find any help via the PD help section as to how to get a solid color background for which I want to add text rather than always using the provided templates which all are transparent forcing me to put the text on video. Just need to import some black, blue, etc. solid backgrounds for which I can add text and get in to dissolve up, stay on for a few seconds, and then fade out prior to live video. Any help would be appreciated.
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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If I’m correctly understanding your question here, have you tried to...

1) click All Media > click Color Boards > drag chosen Color Board to Time Line (before or after video clip)

2) click Title Room > drag Default (or other choice) to Title Track > click Modify to create custom text.

If this isn’t what your looking for try the “Search” feature with key words like... Text-Title-Background. That ought to point you in the right direction.
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Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Link to images - Color boards

Gary [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 15, 2008 12:28 Messages: 11 Offline
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two responses in less than a day. You guys are all right. don't know much about editing, but could not find out how to retrive color backgrounds even using the help section. Anyway, thanks for you help. Its nice to see this type of coorporation in a forum.
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