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How can I swap a small PIP Video Track with a large main video track.... w/slow size transition?
Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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Ok... hope I can explain this well... and hope you can give me a easy-to-follow, step-by-step tute.

I have a 'main' Video Track, with a secondary Video Track which I have resized smaller and located in the upper left hand corner of the 'Main Video Track.'

At a certain point of the video..... I would like to 'swap' both size and position of these two tracks..... so that the transition has the 'Main Video Track' reducing in size and being slowly relocated to the upper Right corner while the PIP Secondary Video Track increases in size and expands to become the full screen video.

Does this make sense?

How can I achieve this?

I am using PowerDirector 11 Ultra.

Thank you.
Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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Can and should this be accomplished with 'keyframes?' I have no idea how to manipulate the keyframes.... is there a good video tutorial on this? Thanks.
borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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Quote: Can and should this be accomplished with 'keyframes?' I have no idea how to manipulate the keyframes.... is there a good video tutorial on this? Thanks.

Two good sources of info...

The HELP files. Click the ? in the top-right corner of the PD11 window and search for "keyframes."

And the many PD tutorials. Check out the "sticky" post at the top of this forum that lists some of them.
Use a Net search engine to find many others.
Here's a helpful YouTube channel...
Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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Thank you!
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Toddsta -

Here's a quick screen capture showing the basic steps

Essentially, in PiP Designer:
1. Set the first (scale & motion) keyframes
2. Set the last (scale & motion) keyframes
3. Duplicate those keyframes at the point you want the PiP clip to zoom out to full screen.

Cheers - Tony
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Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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If I go to PIP designer, all I get are a bunch of ridiculous looking balloons and crudely designed objects.... I don't see how I can even get a video into PIP designer to manipulate?

Ugh.... I will give this a look, but I have watched about 4 different videos, and everybody whips through them without much explanation for newbies.... I think people forget that those new to this need almost 'baby-step.... overly explained' instructions....

I'll give it a look, but so far am very frustrated.... don't see how I can change the position at which a transition of size/motion begins and ends.
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Sorry Toddsta -

It was just a quickie so I didn't put in any explanation.

Those crude looking objects are in the PiP Objects room. If you want to go to PiP Designer, select the clip and click Modify.

In the screen capture I posted, just click pause to see what's going on.

Cheers - Tony
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Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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I do not 'get' how to start and stop a keyframe transition....

makes absolutely no sense to me.
Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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Wow.... I followed your toot to the tee, and I can not get my video to stay in place while growing diagonally to save my life.... I've never seen such a mess of a program with sketchy support files.

Thanks for trying to help... I do appreciate your efforts.... but I just cannot get the results - been at it for about 4 hours.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 29. 2013 21:57

borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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Quote: Wow.... I followed your toot to the tee, and I can not get my video to stay in place while growing diagonally to save my life.

The attached movie displays how this works. For simplicity, a still has been used. PRETEND IT'S YOUR VIDEO. Click this link...

1. Select (highlight) the scene and click MODIFY. The PIP designer appears.

2. Grab the scroll bar and pull it down until both the SCALE and MOTION fields are visible.

3. Click the diamond to the left of both the SCALE and MOTION timelines, as you will be changing both the size and the trajectory of the scene.

Note that clicking the diamond creates keyframes (shown as diamonds) at the start and the end of the respective SCALE and MOTION timelines.

4. Move the scrubber bar to later in the scene, where you want the effect to begin. In the SCALE timeline, right click on the scrubber line and click "duplicate previous keyframe."

Do the same in the MOTION timeline.

Because these keyframes duplicate the keyframes at the start of the scene there will be NO change in the image between the keyframes at the start of the scene and the second keyframes. Thus, the second keyframe is where your effect will begin.

5. Move the scrubber to the end of the timeline.

6. Position and size your box. This will modify both of the end-of-scene SCALE and MOTION keyframes.

Now run the video: it does nothing until it hits the second set of keyframes. Then the effect begins, and continues until it reaches the size that you specified for the ending keyframes.

Add as many keyframes as you wish. The action you specify, whether it be scale, motion, opacity, rotation, etc., occurs between keyframes. To make the action happen faster, narrow the space between keyframes. To make it slower, widen the gap between keyframes.

So, in the same vein, you might begin with the image in the corner, and move it to the opposite corner - as the main track.
Then create an overlay (2nd video track) with the opposite SCALE and MOTION positions. This might come close to what you have in mind.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jul 30. 2013 01:15

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Borgus... while you were doing that, I was doing this. Good job!

Almost exactly the same message in a different wrapper... attached.

Cheers - Tony
Setting Keyframes in PD.pdf
480 Kbytes
482 time(s)

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Toddsta [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 13, 2010 12:18 Messages: 31 Offline
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Thank you SO much guys! I finally 'got it' late last night on my own... although it took me a few times to fine-tune it.... but I did get it to work. I am watching your video now and reading your instructions Borgus1..... and just downloaded your PDF instructions Ynotfish......

I will go through them both carefully just to get this thing engrained in my pea-brain.... lol.

Thanks again, and if I have more questions, I will shoot them out here to you. Have an excellent day - both of you and thanks again for hanging in there with this newbie.
Jos2708 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 13, 2013 10:03 Messages: 5 Offline
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There is one more issue you have to resolve in achieving what you want (IMHO).
When you start you have clip A on the main video track and clip B (the smaller one) on another video track (with a higher track number). By doing so, clip B is shown on top of clip A in the final result.
When you change the size and position of both clips by using keyframes (as described above) you will see that clip A becomes smaller and clip B increases in size. At the same time you will see that clip B will end up covering clip A completely. That is not what you want.
To avoid this, you will need to copy clip A to a higher track and use keyframes for the transparency to make it appear on top op clip B.

Hope this makes sense to you.
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