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Trimming the audio for the DVD menu
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Just before I burn a DVD (using Power Director, version 6, with all the latest patches), I select a menu, and, then add an audio track. This is the audio track that will play, while showing the master DVDvmenu. The default time for playing this track is 15 seconds. When I specify a longer period, and, then save the settings, Power Director, doesn't "remember" the setting. Thus, when I burn the DVD the audio only plays for 15 seconds.

Is this a bug in the program, or, am I doing something wrong? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.

Paul [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 04, 2008 22:47 Messages: 5 Offline
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I have the same problem except the default time is 10 seconds. I have contacted both the Cyberlink tech support and this Forum and had no success with their suggestions. I have just learned to live with it. So my DVD menu keeps repeating 10 seconds of a selected music clip. Good luck.
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Thanks for your response. I'll live with it, it isn't that big of a deal. Now I can stop wasting my time trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.

Bernard's F [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 12, 2006 01:52 Messages: 7 Offline
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Hi Bob, Hi Paul,
I am not sure about the problem you encountered. So I can just guess.

First of all the duration of menu is not controlled by the length of background music.

It's controlled by three things.

* Preference Setting

a. Goto [Create Disc Preference]
b. The box of User-defined Motion Menu Duration (Max. 99s)

* The Menu style you are using.

If you are using Static menus (the menus not in Motion Style category), it's easy. The duration is decided by the value you put in the box.

If you are using "Motion Style", the audio duration (and the menu duration you put in the box) can not be longer than the background motion video duration, usually it's abount 10~20 seconds. That's the problem you two encountered, I guess. So you can change to Static Menus or if you just love the graphics of the motion menu.
a. Goto Create Disc Preference
b. Un-Check "Enable Video Thumbnail.
c. Set the duration you want at the box below it (Max. 99s)

* Chapter length

The last thing you should notice is for video thumbnail (the thumbnails whose content would play), menu duration can not be shorter than any chapter length. So if you have created an one-minute chapter, the menu duration can not be longer than 60 seconds.

Hope this helps.
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Thank you for your response. I followed your instructions, and, the audio track for the menu now plays for 99 seconds.

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