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Menu creation help
Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Is there any way to create a chapter menu with more than 4 buttons per page?
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Easily in PD6

1. Add chapters to your time-line video
2. > Create Disc
3. Select the menu design you like
4. Open Menu Designer - icon with a pencil/film strip
5. Select the 5 star icon - Add an object - dropdown select "Add Button"
6. position and change the text etc on the new button AND SAVE the new custom template.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 07. 2008 07:11

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Dafydd, I figured that out and created a couple of custom templates. The only problem is that the "add button" feature will only allow a maximum of 6 buttons after which it does nothing. I was hoping to be able to at least create an 8 button per page menu, but I don't understand why the limitation in the first place. Another program I use has no problem with 12 button per page menus. Some of the videos I create have numerous chapters and being limited to just 6 per page makes them unwieldy. Is this a limitation of the current version of PD that I am using?
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Limitation in the program to display only 6 chapters per menu page.

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Bummer. Guess I'll have to make a suggestion for a future release.
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