Hi Carl,
Yes, I did understand what was meant.
On the other hand, a 3 year life span I found a rather short life, given no severe accidents
or no very, very serious work / editing as a professional film- or videomaker/worker for a
Pr company, BBC – or another TV station/broadcaster.
Doing a search, I find that opinions of life spans of computers vary quite a bit.
From 5-6 to as much as 10 years.
There are many variables that can reduce the life span of course,
such as how much you use it and how hard you push it, environmental heat , dust,
ordinary maintenance etc.etc.
Then there’s the factor, the thing of “keeping up”.
I use the parameters much like what car to buy- at which time.
What are my needs?
How skilled am I actually?
Do I need the car as/in my profession?
Do the car I have fail all the time?
How fast am I mostly driving?
Will the cost of a new car level out with an income it will give me?
Can I afford a new car just for my own pleasure of driving it?
My desktop is 3 years old. I expect to have it working at least 4 years more before
considering rebuild it any further. I spend so much time trying to improve my actual
editing skills that the thought of “keeping up” is not visible on my horizon.
The programs I have give me challenges to develop for a long time still, and I am leaning
towards the realistic fact that “new and better” equipment will not make me a better
editor, more creative or significant.
BTW, I do have 2 monitors, but find I seldom use more than 1.
Just something.