My window sound card setting are all ok.Youtube using normal window ok .When playing movie audio/video ok problem is youtube video there is no audioi just video.
Why is it so difficult in answering questions that people ask?
The problem you are having is with PowerDVD 12.
Just because you get audio with Windows does not give us an indication if there is a problem with the latest patch for PowerDVD 12 or there is a problem with a particular YouTube video or set of videos or it is a problem with YOUR computer. That is why people ask particular questions. Read up on the Scientific Method. Here:
Did you go into PowerDVD 12 and recheck your audio settings. Use the gear icon to get there. Tell us what settings you are using and what audio card/chip if you really want help.
BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.