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Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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I've had it with Pinnacle and Ulead products and am looking for a new video editor. I downloaded the trial version of PD6 and while it didn't have some of the features I am used to with the aforementioned products, it was easy to use and I was able to flawlessly create a project that has been giving me and Video Studio fits for several days. I have a new project upcoming that I am considering going to HD for. Is AVCHD the only format supported by PD6? Will I need a new burner for the output? Will the full version allow me to designate the number of chapter buttons per menu page? This is important because my commercial projects use many chapters (virtual walkthroughs) that require the ability to move to clips at will from the menu. How long will I be eligible for updates and is release of PD7 imminent? Thanks for the help. Sorry to be so needy with my first post.
RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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Hi Rick,

For the supported formats of PD6 Deluxe, look at the version comparison

For supported burners, look at

With regard to PD7, it could still be a few months away yet.

Robert Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Thanks, Robert, but that didn't help much. I mean, I see that PD6 supports HD and AVC-HD, but does that cover the gamut of current HD formats? Am I limited in my camera choices just to those on the list? Also, I see the list of approved burners so I'm guessing I need an HD burner and not just HD media? Do HD discs play in standard DVD players, albeit at lower resolution? I'm beginning to think a move to HD is premature, especially if it will limit the viewing capability of my productions to only those with HDTVs and HD DVD players. Thanks.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Rick,

My camera was never on the list - and it was never a problem. Product testing/interaction of software to ALL cameras isn't possible. With the various different formats offered with Hard Drive cameras it can be a problem in some cases. AVCHD was dealt with when the v2319 patch was released.

I have direct contact with CyberLink's Research and Development department and I know how hard they strive to accomodate situations that arrive with new and differing formats being just one area they resolve.

I will ask a (AVCHD user) forum member to look at your post and give his opinion.

Senior Member Location: Springfield, Illinois USA Joined: Feb 24, 2007 07:38 Messages: 153 Offline
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Hi Rick,

I believe Cyberlink's PowerDirector has supported many HD formats for a few years. ACVHD is one of the newest HD formats and Cyberlink added support for this in 2007. What format does your camera use?

For HD output, there are (were) two competing standards: Blu-ray and HD-DVD. I believe HD-DVD is dying a quick death in 2008.

If you go with Blu-ray, you will need a Blu-ray burner on your PC, blank Blu-ray DVD media, and a Blu-ray player connected to an HDTV.

Blu-ray disks will not play in standard DVD players.

Hope this is helpful.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Thanks Brady, I appreciated the input.

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Thanks, guys. After further review, I've pretty much decided that HD is not a viable option at this time. Despite the expense associated with it, few of my friends and family have the equipment to view such content. Also, some of my work is commercial and needs to be distributed on the most likely platform, which is standard def, 4:3, stereo. As far as distribution goes, HD just isn't ready for prime time yet. For this current project I have I am going to shoot in 16:9 because I need the extra field of view, but beyond that I'm sticking with standard def. For now.
Senior Member Location: N Attleboro, MA Joined: Jul 13, 2006 19:57 Messages: 295 Offline
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I remember reading that a regular DVD will play Hi-Def, but you can only fit about 15 minutes on it. I am also waffling on going Hi-def, but the world will change whether we want it to or not!
Good subject, anyone else have info? Bring it on!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 10. 2008 19:20

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Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Well, after doing even more research it looks like HD is still aways off for most of us. Another consideration is that HD downloads in an MPEG format (2 or 4) for most cameras. Unless you have a top of the line quad-core system and lots of patience, editing MPGS will likely be an exercise in frustration. Then there are the compatibility problems discussed earlier. I've also seen some testing that shows the quality of mini-DV to still be better than that of HDD and DVD camcorders. Looks like I'm sticking with mini-DV for at least this next project.
CDBear [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 07, 2008 02:45 Messages: 6 Offline
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I am just curious about what features were missing from PD6 that you are used to?
Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Quote: Rick,

I am just curious about what features were missing from PD6 that you are used to?
Mainly, the ability to control more of the output settings like bit rate, audio sampling rate, quality and being able to trim individual clips prior to placing them on the timeline. I'm still getting to know the program and I'm impressed with its stability and speed. If I find a way to use my SmartSound libraries with it I may make it my primary editor.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Control of bit rate:

Go to > Edit > Preferences > Capture tab
Untick "Enable CyberLink MPEG@Best"
This is a variable bitrate capture setting which assesses your CPU capability and capture renders accordingly.

You can then go and set your profile for capturing at a higher fixed bit rate.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 11. 2008 12:19

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