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Can we defisheye a video with PD9?
axone [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Nov 11, 2010 17:14 Messages: 11 Offline
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I have a Sony NEX-5N camera and one of my favorite lens is a fisheye. With my photo software I am able to "defish" (flaten the circular effect of a fisheye). I also notice on the Web that GoPro* software is capable of defish a video, which is normal since GoPro* cameras have fisheye lens!

I have PowerDirector 9 and I was wondering if the software would be capable to defish the videos I have shoot with my fisheye lens?

Can anyone answer? If not, is the new version of PD (11) able to do it? If not, except for GoPro* and Premiere*, do you know any software capable of this effect?

axone [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Nov 11, 2010 17:14 Messages: 11 Offline
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No answer?

So, will have to presume PD9 (or later) are incapable to defish!

Thanks anyway!
Cap'n Kevin
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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Quote: Hi,
I have a Sony NEX-5N camera and one of my favorite lens is a fisheye. With my photo software I am able to "defish" (flaten the circular effect of a fisheye). I also notice on the Web that GoPro* software is capable of defish a video, which is normal since GoPro* cameras have fisheye lens!

I have PowerDirector 9 and I was wondering if the software would be capable to defish the videos I have shoot with my fisheye lens?

Can anyone answer? If not, is the new version of PD (11) able to do it? If not, except for GoPro* and Premiere*, do you know any software capable of this effect?


Good Morning!

Power Director 10 and 11 have the capability for "Lens Correction" if you purchase and add the New Blue Video Essentials Plugins. They are available to download from within Power Director in the effects Room. Select the preinstalled New Blue Effects in the Effects Room then select "Download NewBlue Effects. There are Three groups available, NewBlue Essentials I, II and III. Pricing options are displayed.

For your specific question, "Lens Correction is located in NewBlue Essentials II. I have attached a screenshot of the "Help" file explaining what this plugin does. With the plugin you should be able to correct the Fisheye.

I hope this helps.

[Thumb - Lens Correction.PNG]
Lens Correction.PNG
253 Kbytes
312 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Dec 08. 2012 06:03

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