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Newbie needing help
jonyarms19681972 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: x Joined: Oct 31, 2012 15:04 Messages: 1 Offline
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Apologies as I know this one has probably been asked but I just don't have the time to check thru 700 pages of comments and there is no search that I can see!

Simply, purchased a kworld dvd maker to transfer my old VHS wedding across to DVD. Included was a Powerdirector 5. Does anyone have a work around for the copyright protected issue that comes up. I understand it's due to white noise? Either way, any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated...and likely save me getting divorced!!!! x
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: Apologies as I know this one has probably been asked but I just don't have the time to check thru 700 pages of comments and there is no search that I can see!

Simply, purchased a kworld dvd maker to transfer my old VHS wedding across to DVD. Included was a Powerdirector 5. Does anyone have a work around for the copyright protected issue that comes up. I understand it's due to white noise? Either way, any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated...and likely save me getting divorced!!!!

If you are talking about the copyright message that Powerdirector throws up on Noisy video tape.

The best way to handle that is to use the software that came with your Device. Or maybe Windows Movie Maker.

There is other sofware for capturing from video tape. I do not know the names.

As to the search function in the Forum, if you look at the line below Cyberlink Community Forum, click on the first item (Search).

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: ...There is other software for capturing from video tape. I do not know the names...

Golden Videos is a free program I've used quite a few times for capturing digital copies of VHS tapes.

Of course you still need to have the hardware that does the actual digital conversion. I initially bought the HonesTech VHS to DVD package which had the converter box and the necessary software. But the software part caused me problems, so for some time I've used their box along with Golden Video's software.

Randy B.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 03. 2012 14:46

alvincht [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 20, 2012 11:52 Messages: 58 Offline
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Nice of these guys to have the program as open source. Anyone tried Golden Videos yet?
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: ...Anyone tried Golden Videos yet?

I guess you meant besides me, because I just said I've used it for transferring VHS to digital. You have the choice of recording to .avi, .wmv, or .mp4. It can't do Blu-ray.

Initially, the Honestech software that came with the converter box was making little gaps in the audio track. I worked with their tech support, but the reason for this odd stuttering recording wasn't ever found.

On my new computer, using the same audio interface (in case you were wondering if that was the problem) - this bad audio problem with Honestech hasn't shown up. So there was just some unknown incompatibility with my previous machine which was Vista - my new machine is W7.

So now I'm usually using Honestech again because the software is more sophisticated than Golden Videos. BUT you can use either one in the most basic way, ignoring other options, and you'll get what you need -I mean just a digital copy of the VHS tape. HT gives you some simple editing options - I just open up the copy in PD to do more work. The default format it uses is MPEG. The newest version, 5, can also do Blu-ray. I see version 5, which includes the converter box is now only $80. I paid $100 several years ago for version 4.

EDIT: I looked at a comparison chart of Honestech versions - v. 4 can actually do Blu-ray also. I never noticed that since I'm still only doing DVD.

Randy B.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 04. 2012 12:17

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