I have a Dell Inspiron 620 desktop PC that is overall pretty fast (i5 2310-2.9 ghz, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB 7200 RPM) but it has an awful video card installed by default, a Radeon 6450. Within a week or two I plan to upgrade to a Radeon 7750 which is within a budget price range of around $ 110 and is very efficient in power consumption. My Dell has a crappy 300 Watt PSU, but I am not willing to spend more $ to swap PSU's, so that is why I am choosing the 7750 as it doesn't draw more than 50 Watts under extensive load (video editing, gaming, etc.).
Do you guys think this card will fare well for editing with PD10 ?
Here is a link to the card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102969