Maybe some of you have had an issue like this before and can provide some useful feedback. I have been working on the same video for about 2 weeks now, and have started producing it to see how it looks as a final product, in mpeg-4. The first time I produced the video, there were no problems encountered and it rendered the video in a relatively fast manner. However, over the past few days I have tried producing it again and each time i have tried doing this it progresses smoothly until it hits 76 %, where it comes to a halt. The last 3 times that I have tried producing my video the same problem has been occurring. All I did between the first time it was produced (successfully) and the other times was add/edit some clips; Doing what anyone who uses PD10 does. Therefore, I am unsure of why this is.
This same kind of issue has happened before with PD10 a few months back, and the only way I was able to resolve it was by re-installing the program. Re-installing usually fixes the problem that forces me to uninstall in the first place, but really only temporarily. There is always something wrong that pops up before not long.
I would like to know if any of you have some suggestions that might get my producing to entirely work as it should. Also, I am not willing to submit a ticket to customer support because I have found them unhelpful....they advise me to try things I have already done.
I am going to try producing it in a different format, such as .mpeg-2 or .wmv. However, the last time this issue occurred I remember that switching video formats didn't solve the issue.