Several days ago I completed a short video and made both AVCHD and DVD versions. Somehow the finished versions, along with the original mts files, have been deleted from the computer's HD. However, there's a .pds backup file from one of the last versions of the edited clip (I know it's a version of the missing video because the title is correct and when I import it into PD 10 all the clips appear in the time line - but they're all blank black spaces].
I thought I could open that backup lds file - but when I go to File/Open Project and choose the pds in question, I get the error message "an error occurred trying to open this file". The error message identifies the file is identified as an .MTS file. I get the choice to "Ignore all", which appears to bring up the edited clips in the time line of PD 10 I remember the number of clips and their approximate length, so I'm sure they once were a version of the lost video. But when I try to view or play any of the clips, all that's available is a blank screen with white dots at the edges, as if the clip were going to be cropped. If I click the preview playback arrow, the white dots go away but playback is only a blank black screen.
FWIW, other .pds files open and play normally.
None of the missing clips appear in the Win 7 Recycle bin. I think I've lost that video. Does anyone have some magic for me?
Bill Hansen - with a very embarrassed red face right now Bill Hansen