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Custom Titles - Are you good at this? Need your help please!!!
Newbie Location: San Diego Joined: Feb 28, 2012 20:28 Messages: 5 Offline
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I am trying to figure out how to use PD to make custom titles... modified color boards are one way, but take a look at this image as an example... notice that the rectangle behind the text is a graphic that is more transparent towards the edges... how do you do that in PD? Also how do you put the text on top of it? The video that this is in is and is at 15 seconds in....

The next one that I really want to learn how to do is the custom title and graphis in the title in this video at 4 seconds in....

How do you do that sort of thing in PD? Thanks so much for any suggestions.

I have attached images of the 2 videos with titles I was talking about.

Bryan Bloom
[Thumb - pd2.png]
example 2
230 Kbytes
163 time(s)
[Thumb - pd3.png]
example 1
220 Kbytes
165 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 28. 2012 20:48

Bryan Bloom
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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Hi bryanbloom,

Basically, what you are describing and showed examples of, are commonly referred to as a "Lower Third".
The gradual fading out, at each end, is called a Gradient. And a gradient can not be created in PowerDirector. Thus, a Lower Third (with a gradient), is created in a Photo Shop type image editor, and then this image is imported into PowerDirector (and can also be uploaded and shared with other PD users on the DirectorZone Effects pages, as a PIP Object).

Your text is then just created in PD, as you normally would, and positioned to display on top of your Lower Third PIP Object, which you have imported into your PD timeline(s).

Here is a tutorial on how to create Lower Thirds in PD. Created by BarryTheCrab.
This tutorial also shows how to give your Lower Third transparency and animation. But the graduated transparency (gradient) to nil, as noted above, can not (for all practical purposes), be created within PD itself. You'll need to do that in an imaging editing app. I use the free Paint.Net program available here...

Another tutorial on using color boards for a similar purpose is available here...
As well as many other PowerDirector "how to" tutorials available on the PDtoots channel, that deal with custom templates, tips, and tricks in PowerDirector. Please read the PDtoots profile box, if you visit the PDtoots channel.

You can also find many PowerDirector tutorials (Official and User Created), here...

Good luck!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 28. 2012 21:27

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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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... to follow up on Cranston's post, here's a demo of how easy it is to make a simple text bar (lower third) with a softened end, using free software (Paint.NET).


These are some other title bar possibilities...

Cheers - Tony
Gradient Text Bar.wmv
2822 Kbytes
374 time(s)

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Newbie Location: San Diego Joined: Feb 28, 2012 20:28 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thank you so much to both of you!!!! Awesome assistance and I am now using and making title bars...

But the one thing I cannot figure out how to do, is to actually make similar samples to the video you provided me Tony.

What I mean is how do you actually take a long rectangular bar and make it look animated? How do you do that thing where you took the logo and made it turn around and look 3D, and how did you wrap your logo around the ball?

Are there videos on how to do that or perhaps a sample on director zone I can download? Thanks again so much I really really appreciate it!

Bryan Bryan Bloom
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Bryan -

Thank you. It's nice to be appreciated!

The title bars that looked "animated" in the video were actually video clips. They were masked out or reproportioned to make the desired size.

You can grab the mask I made here

The mask & thumb need to be stored in C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector10\Masks

Attached is a short demo video, showing how to apply the mask to the clip.

Now - the PDtoots logo animated on the globe was done in separate software (free) called GIMP. It has a spinning globe filter you might wish to explore. Takes a bit of fiddling to get it proportioned correctly.

Cheers - Tony
Animated Bar Mask.wmv
2173 Kbytes
767 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 02. 2012 20:55

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Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne, Australia Joined: Jul 14, 2009 04:23 Messages: 2208 Offline
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Quote: Hi Bryan -

Thank you. It's nice to be appreciated!

The title bars that looked "animated" in the video were actually video clips. They were masked out or reproportioned to make the desired size.

You can grab the mask I made here

The mask & thumb need to be stored in C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDirector10\Masks

Attached is a short demo video, showing how to apply the mask to the clip.

Now - the PDtoots logo animated on the globe was dome in separate software (free) called GIMP. It has a spinning globe filter you might wish to explore. Takes a bit of fiddling to get it proportioned correctly.

Cheers - Tony

Happing editing

Best Regards


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Newbie Location: San Diego Joined: Feb 28, 2012 20:28 Messages: 5 Offline
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You guys rock... you are so helpful, thank you so much to all of you for your kind help!!!

Bryan Bryan Bloom
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