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CinemaMode; jump right to movie?
crfkosinsj [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 24, 2011 18:14 Messages: 2 Offline
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Hi. I just upgraded (I thought!) from PDVD9 to PDVD11 Ultra. Using CinemaMode, whenever I launch a movie PDVD shows a startup menu before the disc actually runs. Is there a way to get CinemaMode to just go right to the disc without first pausing at a menu that's not really required? I did not see this menu at all with PDVD9.

Any ideas would be great! Thx

nayan007 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Dec 05, 2011 22:50 Messages: 52 Offline
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To switch to Cinema mode, click the (TV like button with two antenna showing)button on the title bar. The option is located in the classic mode of power DVD in the top right corner and fifth option from the right to left.Click that.

CyberLink PowerDVD’s Cinema Mode also comes fully integrated in Windows Media Center when both are installed on your computer. The Cyber-Link Power DVD shortcut is found in the TV + Movies section of Windows Media Center. !! Love Cyber-Link !!
crfkosinsj [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 24, 2011 18:14 Messages: 2 Offline
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Thx for the response. I think I didn't explain myself as clear as I should have so let me rephrase. The attached image is the menu I'm referring to that always appears before an inserted Blu ray is permitted to play. I'd like to insert the Blu ray and immediately begin playback without this menu. Do you know if there's a way to bypass the PowerDVDCinema menu and go directly to disc playback?

BTW I'm using Mediaportal as my HTPC interface rather than Windows Media Center. I didn't have this menu appear in PowerDVD Cinema 9.

Thx again.
[Thumb - PowerDVDCinema11_menu-unwanted.jpg]
Unwanted menu image
172 Kbytes
153 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 02. 2012 09:34

CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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try to change the auto-resume settings in the classic mode and then reactivate the CinemeMode

in my environment playback starts when insert a disc

michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
Judge25 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 03, 2012 22:40 Messages: 7 Offline
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crfkosinsj it may depended on how you are launching it? I am using BluRayPlayerLauncher.dll. If I launch it from windows autoplay it will just open and run the disk.

However in Mediaportal the launcher opens the player at this page as well and I have to click play again for it to play. I have changed my resume settings to no avail! Be interested to see this work too...

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