I am having a hard time understanding why I can get no answer to this question. I have contacted support and they had me remove and reinstall and the problem still exists. Is this a workflow issue? Am I the only one with this issue? Is it related to transitions? Should I be appling fixes before splitting and other editing? Help? Here is the original quesion I posted. SOMEONE MUST KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS.
This baffels me to no end. I get my 3 or 4 minute video just the way I want it, transitions, music, stills, etc. I then need to adjust the white balance and apply to all, then I adjust the lightness or darkness and apply to all and without failure the voice gets out of sync with the video. I have tried doing this one scene at a time and it still happens. It does not always happen if I adjust just the white balance, but always happens if I then adjust something else in edit. This just makes no sense to me ?!. Is this a workflow issue, ie do you need to adjust whitebalance and other issues before begining to split, cut intsert etc.? Or is my copy of PD9 corrupted again?