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New user problem -- Can "Create Disk" menu items be used at all?
Tony2323 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 21, 2011 16:14 Messages: 11 Offline
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Number 4 in a series.

I've been driven to split up my 33 miniute video into three roughly equal blobs to avoid 1) Crashing at the 13 minute mark during "Produce" when at high quality and 2) Crashing in "Create Disk" when using a not-quite-as-high-quality-but-still-nice resolution of 1280x720.

So now I have these three projects. I include parts 2 and 3 using "Include project" in "Create Disk".

Now the menu arrangement looks like a dog's breakfast. Part 1, with its 3 chapters is good, but parts 2 and 3 are down a level. How is the viewer going to navigate that lot? It's beginning to look unprofessional, although the "wrapper" -- a young girl in silhouette blowing butterflies out of her mouth -- still holds the interest. Perhaps viewers will forgive the illogical chapter organization.

So how to others use this "Create Disk" tool? What I'd like to do is make my own menu hierarchy. Are there other tools out there that allow this? Is there another way to proceed that is more flexible?
32 Kbytes
261 time(s)
32 Kbytes
289 time(s)
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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I have had no trouble with menus, but I don't understand what you are trying to do. First, your computer is below the minimum required specifications for working with HD video in PowerDirector 9. You appear to be using Intel onboard graphics, which is possibly the worst graphics situation you can have in a modern PC. The graphics driver is two years old, but I would guess there is no update.

I would start with a good, new graphics card and updated drivers. That would solve many of your problems. __________________________________
Tony2323 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 21, 2011 16:14 Messages: 11 Offline
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Quote: I have had no trouble with menus, but I don't understand what you are trying to do. First, your computer is below the minimum required specifications for working with HD video in PowerDirector 9. You appear to be using Intel onboard graphics, which is possibly the worst graphics situation you can have in a modern PC. The graphics driver is two years old, but I would guess there is no update.

I would start with a good, new graphics card and updated drivers. That would solve many of your problems.

I'll get a new graphics card. Do you have a recommendation?
Also, I've updated the existing hardware's device driver (there was a more recent version).

I should add that even though I'm using 2-year-old stuff, PD, when it works, produces absolutely wonderful high-resolution DVDs.

Thanks for your help.
Member Location: NE Oklahoma Joined: Jun 04, 2011 10:33 Messages: 80 Offline
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double two three
If you don't update the entire system stay with 8. Nine takes some horses and a good video Card, very good video card. Just Make sure the card any video card you look at has a Windows 7 driver, before you purchase it. Amature does it till he gets it right. A Pro does it till he can't get it wrong.
Flora [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 06, 2011 12:12 Messages: 5 Offline
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Now I have another 2 problems phew.........! The first one is that, the clip and the chapter name are perfect matched and on the correct timeline, then while previewing, the clip is changed to another one, which is on the earlier chapter. And the second problem is, whenever I click 'burn', this error message appears to block my work but I dont know whats wrong with my file, 'Either a menu thumbnail(menu caption)or the navigation buttons are currently overlapping. Try adjusting them for this disc format'. I have tried many many times to find out anything overlapped, but turns out to be vain! That PD9 drives me crazy!
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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Sounds like a chapter name is too long. __________________________________
Flora [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 06, 2011 12:12 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thanks, do you mean the names are overlapping on timeline?
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Flora -

Yes - that message: Either a menu thumbnail(menu caption)or the navigation buttons are currently overlapping. Try adjusting them for this disc format means that some element of your menu is overlapping another. That makes them "unclickable".

It can be easily sorted by resizing thumbnails, buttons or text.

Cheers - Tony
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Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Flora,
Please read the guide at the beginning of the forum. You should have started a new topic for the issues you have raise.


3. Resurrecting an old post on this forum does not mean you will be answered. It is far better to post as a new topic and reference (url link) back to an old post. In that way the information can be compared by a forum member who will answer you as best they can.

The original topic has been answered and your question is not the same. A post three months old is an old post - at least one, if not two patches have been released.

Thank you

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jul 14. 2011 04:18

Des Towers
Member Location: Rotorua New Zealand Joined: Mar 29, 2007 18:57 Messages: 149 Offline
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Hi Flora

I have struck this on occasions. I seem to always manage it with navigation buttons. As Tony says it is just a matter of resizing your menu buttons or dragging them further appart in 'Menu Preferences' so they do not overlap.

Flora [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 06, 2011 12:12 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thanks a lot to Jaime-esque, Tony and Des, after spending ages to try everything as suggested, now the burning is in progress!

And very appreciate to your suggestion on the other day, Dafydd Bevan, before adopting your method to un/install the PD9, I did use the usual way to do it but nothing changed until I followed yours. Thanks !
Tony2323 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 21, 2011 16:14 Messages: 11 Offline
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Quote: I have had no trouble with menus, but I don't understand what you are trying to do. First, your computer is below the minimum required specifications for working with HD video in PowerDirector 9. You appear to be using Intel onboard graphics, which is possibly the worst graphics situation you can have in a modern PC. The graphics driver is two years old, but I would guess there is no update.

I would start with a good, new graphics card and updated drivers. That would solve many of your problems.

Well, I've bought and installed an NVidia GT 520. Thanks for the tip. Here's the current situation...!
1) It marginally improved the rendering time for MP4. Perhaps 20-30%, but that wasn't a big problem for me...
2) It DID solve the "crash and burn" issues 1/2 way through rendering anything of substantial length. At least as far as 33 minutes of MP4. I conclude from this that the fallback rendering code when you don't have a graphic co-processor is faullty,
3) It DID NOT solve any of the problems I was having creating a multi-project disk as detailed in this and previous notes. In particular, I can only seem to get "DVD" subtitles (not burned into the image itself) working when I select the "No Menu" option. With menus, subtitles are hit-and-miss. For example, on my recent 3-project construction, the 3rd part subtitles don't appear properly in part 3. Instead, they appear as subtitles in Part 1. They do appear as DVD subtitles, however, the Part 1 subtitles are there too, and burned into the image, creating an unholy mess. The subtitles that find themselves correctly integrated (as DVD subtitles), but in the wrong part, show up again in part 3 but this time burned into the image. Pretty soon you get to recognise your favourites as they pop up on the screen multiple times...

I'm not expecting anyone to solve this. But I am surprised that no one has seen this but me. I conclude that as experienced users you know where the demons lurk & stay well clear. How do I avoid these demons?

I'm also surprised that nonsense like this should have been released by Cyberlink. It should have been caught at alpha testing time, let alone beta testing. My guess is that junior programmers have been set the unenviable task of layering onto and fixing an increasingly unmaintainable code base, whose original authors have long since gone on to better things. This doesn't enspire confidence.
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