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1080p 3D BluRay with ATi HD3D HDMI 1.4
jay7son [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 16, 2011 11:59 Messages: 1 Offline
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a year ago i bought into all the 3d hype, buying a optoma dw318 and some optoma 3d glasses and an ati 5850 gfx card
the 5850 was marketed as atis new card with 3d support. these were complete lies on atis behalf they kept promising the
drivers through iz3d but none of us in various 3d forums could get it to work.
so 2 months later i bouhgt an nvidia 260 and the 3d vision kit and amazingly it worked in my 3d games

i have always preferred ati cards for being better value than nvidia but when it comes to drivers forget ati.
at least nvidia give some support through their forums and generaly their drivers work

a word of advice if you do go for the nvidia route their glasses are crap giving flashes throughout the 3d experience
but using the optoma glasses and the nvidia usb reciever dongle thing is much better , even though the optoma glasses are made of brittle plastic and broke in the first week.
i have just sold the 5850 and have lost £100 in a year all because i believed ati
im going to upgrade to a nvidia 560ti as the 260 only just works on demanding games in 3d.

the good news is the nvidia setup also works with powerdvd 11 in 3d as i just got tron working!

a word of warning for anyone going down this 3d route is you will spend all your time faffing with settings, more than
you will spend actually watching or playing in 3d, trying to get better pop out or depth.
let alone the it tech skills required, ie on my projector i had to pull out pins from the dvi plug to fool my pc into believing
it was connected to an acer projector so then i could install acer drivers which are nvidia 3d ready compliant
where as the optoma drivers aren't.

Lastly i would recommend a projector over a lcd led or plasma screen as you only really get depth with a screen no pop out,
and off putting ghosting.
maybe worth waiting for affordable 1.4 hdmi 1080p 3d projectors to hit the market, my optoma dw318 is 720p but was only £400 a yr ago but because of only 1.3 hdmi is not compatale with my ps3 for 3d, unless i buy an optoma add on 1.4 converter box for £250.

apologies for this long thread but 3d has been quite a learning experience
Someone1 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 22, 2011 03:35 Messages: 13 Offline
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Thanks for sharing jay7son..

So did we ever get a resolution to this..

I'm about to throw out my mediacenter for a hardware player.. since it just works..
Someone1 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 22, 2011 03:35 Messages: 13 Offline
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By the way, I am also dealing with AMD (XFX) through forums etc to get a resolution to this problem, but it seems so far they have no clue...
Someone1 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 22, 2011 03:35 Messages: 13 Offline
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Well from the lack of support etc I have had to go and waste more money on a physical 3D Bluray player. Sorry Cyberlink I like your product but my trial has run out and not to mention my patience!

What really annoys me is that eventually people are gonna get their sh!t together and my solution will start working even though I have invested so much money time and effort just to see it wasted by junior programmers..

Here is some interesting reading from my troubleshooting, basically it states any new 3D TV's are not supported with the latest 3D graphics card technology, and that wwe all need to go out and buy old 3d TV's just to get the BS to run !!!

Message History

[ 6/27/2011 1:48:29 PM] Hello, I use my HD 6870 connected to my 55" Samsung 3D TV, when I run 3D it automatically changes resolution to 1920x1080p x 24Hz. The problem is it does not fill the entire screen and I am left with a black band around the edge of the screen. The scaling options are also greyed out. Please help.

[ 6/27/2011 7:24:06 PM] Just thought I`d mention I have discovered that my card will not display 1080p @ 24Hz for 3D Blurays, but instead it is displaying 1000p @ 24Hz, and that is the reason for the black band. I`ve also tried Catalayst drivers 11.4 and 11.6: 11.4 gets me 1000p @ 24Hz and 11.6 can only get 720p @ 24Hz. Why can`t I get this card to run 1080p @ 24Hz as it advertises it is capable of! or did I just waste my money on Beta junk?

[xxxx 6/28/2011 10:12:21 AM] Hi, thanks for your message,1920*1080P@24HZ? did you sure your 3D TV can support 1080p OR 1080i? as for black band, please change the overscale setting in CCC. thanks xxxx

[ 6/28/2011 12:40:25 PM] Hello xxxx, Thanks for reply. My TV is a brand new 55" Samsung 3D UA55D8000 and is supposed to be one of the best LED 3D TV`s available, I`m pretty sure it support 1080p@24hz. The problem is playing 3D Blurays the resolution actually changes to 1000p@24Hz, and this is driver specific, if I use 11.4 Catalyst I get 1000p, if I use 11.6 I can only get 720p. Also When running in 1000p@24Hz mode the Overscale settings in CCC are unavailable.

[xxxx 7/1/2011 10:33:32 AM] Hi,Thanks for the update. it seems your 3D TV is not in list, please visit: regards xxxx

[ 7/2/2011 5:33:10 AM] Your have got to be kidding me! you are basically telling me that I wasted my money buying this graphics card! I`m sure if it was an NVidia I wouldn`t be in this situation! I can`t believe that when newer 3D TV`s are released then that`s it, they are not supported! this is rediculous and such a cop out response on your behalf. Thanks for nothing....
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We've known that few customers can't get 1080p@24 3D via HDMI 1.4 with their 3D TV sets. The error message in PowerDVD11 will be "unable to start 3d playback on this device, please try another one"

Part of these customers can manually select 720p 3D instead. We're investigating this.

BTW, the latest AMD/ATI, NVIDIA, Intel graphic cards and their drivers all should work with PowerDVD. Users are encouraged to contact Technical Support if encountering an compatibility issue.
nopadon [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 16, 2011 04:11 Messages: 3 Offline
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I think this issue problem is CC driver not support new 3dtv set ( 2011 samsung and lg led tv or plasma )

some user that use 2010 model or model in supportlist are no problem about this

nvidia very up 2 date about new tv support and no problem like this

in this situation only thing we can do is wait for new amd driver

ps.sorry for bad eng

my GT520 and gt460 work with pdvd11 fine but my hd6850 and 6950 fail LOL

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 04. 2011 04:05

Jimbob [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 07, 2011 04:40 Messages: 1 Offline
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I don't think this is due to the ATI drivers. I have PowerDVD10 Retail with all the latest patches and 3D is working fine in that @1080p/24 with AMD HD6570 graphics card with Catalyst 11.6. Yet PowerDVD11 fails in exactly the way people describe here on the same setup - "“Cyberlink PowerDVD could not enable 3D playback. Try choosing a different 3D display device”. So it seems something changed between PowerDVD 10 Retail and 11 Retail...

Display device is a Samsung 3D LCD.

OM_SMiZZLE [Avatar]
Newbie Location: asd Joined: Jul 30, 2011 16:57 Messages: 1 Offline
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GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Had To Get Attention)

Catalyst 11.7 Update seems to have fixed these issues (Release Notes)

Highlights of the AMD Catalyst 11.7 Windows release includes:

Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.7 software suite for Windows 7. These include:

All issues experienced with mouse cursor lag have been resolved
Resolves system hangs seen in the AMD Catalyst 11.6 driver on specific HDMI and DP displays
Log event (Event ID 62464) issues when playing video content have been resolved
Bluray playback using PowerDVD 10 under High Performance mode no longer randomly displays a blank screen.
Bluray playback using PowerDVD 10 under High Performance mode no longer randomly hangs.
Some Divx format files no longer display video corruption using WinDVD.
AVIVO Video Quality settings are now correctly applied to Flash Video Content.
AMD SteadyVideo is now applied to Home Video clips when using WinDVD 10.
Random screen corruption is no longer displayed when changing desktop themes.
Chequerboard corruption is no longer displayed intermittently when playing DirectX 10 titles in a Crossfire configuration with Eyefinity enabled.
Shogun II now renders the cinematics correctly when run in various Eyefinity configurations.
Video playback now works correctly when Hardware acceleration is enabled with VLC Player version 1.1.9.
Crossfire now functions correctly when playing Hamilton’s Great Adventure.
Video corruption is no longer observed when when using the Forward slider on 720P Divx format video clips using Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
PowerDVD now correctly handles 3D Bluray content.
Portal 2 no longer displays flickering on water surface textures with Medium and Low Shader detail settings.
Image stabilization now functions correctly when playing Divx content using Windows Media Player.
Wraparound corruption is no longer displayed intermittently after exiting a 3D application.
nighteagle [Avatar]
Member Joined: Feb 09, 2007 10:46 Messages: 58 Offline
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cat 11.7 did not solve it for me. Also tried 11.8 preview. Didnt help either...

Used to work with powerdvd 10 and earlier catalyst for me aswell. AMP: Hegel H100, DAC: Hegel HD2, Speakers: Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6T, TV: Samsung PS63C7705 (pn63c8000) 63", HTPC: NVIDIA GTX 680, Windows 7 SP1 x64 with blu-ray
TalynOne [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 02, 2011 17:49 Messages: 2 Offline
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Someone found a work-around using Catalyst 11.7 (used to require downgrading catalyst version for workaround) and Total Media Theater.

Pretty much the gist of the work around is to start playback, let the software force the wrong resolution, then go to CCC (Catalyst Control Center) to change resolution back to 1080p. Since PowerDVD doesn't let you change resolution after playback starts this work around doesn't work with PowerDVD. Hopefully this info will at least help CyberLink track down the issue since we know it's technically possible.

More info/details here:
secret [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 05, 2011 22:16 Messages: 2 Offline
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Currently I got 11.8 preview driver and I can't get 1080p24hz working and same with TMT 5 only 720p60hz works correctly.

Only 11.4 preview driver and older seems to work for me in 1080p24hz in 3d. But I need the higher fps in games more then I need 1080p24hz vs 720p60hz ;(

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 07. 2011 15:49

nighteagle [Avatar]
Member Joined: Feb 09, 2007 10:46 Messages: 58 Offline
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Catalyst 11.8 works fine for me now. I also sold my amp. But don't if that had anything to do with it. Since the amp was sold the day before catalyst 11.8 came out. AMP: Hegel H100, DAC: Hegel HD2, Speakers: Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6T, TV: Samsung PS63C7705 (pn63c8000) 63", HTPC: NVIDIA GTX 680, Windows 7 SP1 x64 with blu-ray
Judge25 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 03, 2012 22:40 Messages: 7 Offline
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Has this ever been resolved? I can only get 3d to work with 11.4 drivers. However there is too much judder at least every 30 seconds to a minute. If I switch to the intel on board sandy bridge hd3000 3d at 24hz works fine with no judder but normal blurays drops frames at 23.967 where the ati doesn't. Would love to use later than 11.4 with ati and be able to activate 3d or hopefully stop the judder with 11.4. Ideally I would like to use later and have no judder :
nighteagle [Avatar]
Member Joined: Feb 09, 2007 10:46 Messages: 58 Offline
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Latest one to work for me is catalyst 11.8. Just tried catalyst 12.1 and 12.2 preview driver today. Still no 3d. Have to go back to 11.8 for 3D. I don't really understand what the problem is... AMP: Hegel H100, DAC: Hegel HD2, Speakers: Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6T, TV: Samsung PS63C7705 (pn63c8000) 63", HTPC: NVIDIA GTX 680, Windows 7 SP1 x64 with blu-ray
Rossitech [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 28, 2012 19:06 Messages: 3 Offline
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I think I know why the new ATI drivers are not working in 3D mode but someone needs to try this as I do not have access to my friends PC with this fault.
In the catalyst control utility I noticed that the default setting for the "Pixel Format" under "My Digital Flat Panels" keeps being set (after a catalyst driver upgrade) to "YCbCr", which AFAIK, 3D cannot function in this mode. Instead one of the "RGB" modes should be selected and for a HD TV, the "RGB 4:4:4 Pixel Format Studio (Limited RGB)" should be set. In theory, this is the correct 16-235 colour space mode for a HD TV, however if the black levels look too dark or washed out, then try the other "RGB 4:4:4 Pixel Format PC Standard (Full RGB)" 0-255 colour space.

Hope this helps.
Judge25 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 03, 2012 22:40 Messages: 7 Offline
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Pixel format Tab is there for TV (not 3d capable) when connected. However no sign of this tab when the Projector which is 3d capable is connected. Probably a HDMI 1.4 negotiation thing?
nighteagle [Avatar]
Member Joined: Feb 09, 2007 10:46 Messages: 58 Offline
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Changing it to RGB 4:4:4 did not help. Same problem AMP: Hegel H100, DAC: Hegel HD2, Speakers: Tannoy Revolution Signature DC6T, TV: Samsung PS63C7705 (pn63c8000) 63", HTPC: NVIDIA GTX 680, Windows 7 SP1 x64 with blu-ray
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