I recently purchased a new HP desktop that had PowerDirector pre-installed. As one of the primary reasons for buying my new PC was to finally be able to make some DVDs from my CamCorder AVCHD files, the first thing I did was open up PowerDirector to make a test DVD. Much to my dismay, after setting it up for a burn, I get a message telling me that to get Dolby Digital, I have to buy the full version. Not really caring about that so much (and assuming it would put something on there), I went ahead and burned. There was no audio at all on the DVD when I watched it. How lame, give me a program then take away the sound unless I spend the extra money to buy something to enable sound. Anyway, very upset about it, but am curious if there was a way to at least somehow downgrade the sound (within PowerDirector) to something I can burn. Stereo would be just fine for me, but I can't seem to find any options to do so. Is that because of my gimped program/teaser program? This hasn't in any way encouraged me to buy a Cyberlink product, actually, quite the opposite.