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Where is PiP
abailey269 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Atlanta, GA Joined: Jan 13, 2011 04:12 Messages: 5 Offline
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I'm trying to use Chromakey and all the instructions I see say to place my video with the green screen in the PiP track as a foreground image/video. However, I dont see PiP as a place to drop the video in PowerDirector 9. I may not have explained this correctly so please just take a look at the attached screen shot to see what I mean. Any help is greatly appreciated.
[Thumb - PowerDirector - where is pip.jpg]
PowerDirector - where is pip.jpg
Where Is PiP
146 Kbytes
170 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jan 13. 2011 04:21

Senior Member Location: Australia Joined: May 29, 2010 19:33 Messages: 247 Offline
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There is no PiP track as such in PD9 just multiple video tracks which is actually better.
Video tracks are overlayed in ascending number i.e. track 4 is overlayed 3 which is overlayed 2 etc.

Looking at your screen shot you have placed it in an appropriate track for it to work. Panasonic SD9, Panasonic TM700, Panasonic SD600, GoPro HD Hero.
abailey269 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Atlanta, GA Joined: Jan 13, 2011 04:12 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thanks for the reply pjc3. I figured that was the case and for some reason the trial version was just giving me trouble doing that. I purchased the full version and it's working like a charm. Loving the software!
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