I've downloaded the trial version of PD9 in order to compare some video editing software before I buy (the others are Videopad, Memories on TV and AVS4YOU).
However, for some reason the program doesn't let me use any of my own MP3s in the project I'm creating.
Whichever compressed file I try to import (MP3, WMA) I get the error message:
An error occurred while opening this media file in the media library. It may be because the file is broken, an unsupported format, protected video content, or for another reason. Try contacting your video provider for a different video format
I've tried different formats, different bitrates, but none work. The only audio files I am able to import are WAVs.
Now I figured this could either be that the trial version does not support MP3, or, worse, that Cyberlink has embarked on some valiant crusade against illegal downloading and is only accepting audio files bought through the likes of iTunes.
Anyone any ideas here?