The reason why 720p files are larger than 1080i is due to the fact that 720p is a better video quality than 1080i.
I will explain "Progressive scanning (alternatively referred to as noninterlaced scanning) is a way of displaying, storing, or transmitting moving images in which [
b]all the lines [/b]of each frame are drawn in sequence. This is in contrast to interlaced video used in traditional analog television systems where
only the odd lines, then the even lines of each frame (each image called a video field) are drawn alternately, so that only half the number of actual image frames are used to produce video"
now 720p resolution is 1366* or 1280*720 depending on the display
going off the 1280*720 that is 921,600 pixels
going off of the 1366*768 is 1,049,088 pixels
the 1080i is 1920*1080 so that's 2,073,600 now wait, you only see odd lines than even lines with the (I) interlaced?
than the real resolution is half that so 2,073,600/2 is 1,036,800 pixels
so evidently if your 720p is recording at 1280*720 resolution than it is smaller than 1080i video
but if it happens to be 1366*786 than it will be larger. and\\
^^^^^^actual answer