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Creating DVD With Multiple Files
Aknot [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 20, 2010 16:36 Messages: 9 Offline
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Can someone please help me out, I want to make a DVD with 8 VOB files but Im having some trouble doing what I want to do... I have been trying for hours now and to be honest I could get drunk right about now, lol.

So what I want to do is this, Have a Title infront of every clip that I have been placing on the Master Video Track and just have it as a plain background with some text on, and each clip needs to have a soundtrack of sorts (my choice of music) then I wish to cut some footage from the clips (I think I got this) then I want to burn the result to a DVD (a bit unsure if I need to save what I have been doing first) If I do need to save the files do I save it as a project or as an AVI/MPG etc

The irritating part is the titles.. its doing me head in

Can someone please help a novice whos new to this.... cheers

Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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I am very new to this program myself, but what I did was create each file as you wish, with the tiles you wish, then produc each as a 'Porduction in the format you want.
then after finished with all the produce clips Go to Create disk, and add your previously produced files under content. When all are in then Create your menu. This will allow you to create chapters for each production you added.
You can either Burn to disk or Burn to a folder on you HardDrive. This creates a File with audio and Video folders containing VOB file that can be burned to DVD with your burning software of choice.
Hope that helps.
JimM Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

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Aknot [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 20, 2010 16:36 Messages: 9 Offline
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Quote: Hi,
I am very new to this program myself, but what I did was create each file as you wish, with the tiles you wish, then produc each as a 'Porduction in the format you want.
then after finished with all the produce clips Go to Create disk, and add your previously produced files under content. When all are in then Create your menu. This will allow you to create chapters for each production you added.
You can either Burn to disk or Burn to a folder on you HardDrive. This creates a File with audio and Video folders containing VOB file that can be burned to DVD with your burning software of choice.
Hope that helps.

I just need a step by step guide as per my OP

Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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Have you learnt how to put color boards in the timeline to separate clips? This may be the problem you are having.

I wish PD would either do something different or make it really clear how to do this. We get sooo many people having this problem, plus when you do a search in the help file if you spell colour as most English speaking countries do you will find nothing, you have to spell it color. I spent many hours trying to work this out myself.....rant over.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 20. 2010 21:09

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Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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You can log into 'PdToots' and there are numerous tutorials on PowerDriector or Cyberlink software to view.They are much better than the help files.
Jim Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

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Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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You can log into 'PdToots' and there are numerous tutorials

Here's current list... Click here PDtoots for a collection of PowerDirector Tutorials and Tips
Aknot [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 20, 2010 16:36 Messages: 9 Offline
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This is so time consuming such a simple task and yet its really stupid to try and suss this one out for a first time beginner, dont software developers like people!

All I want to do is instert a blank background that I can insert some ruddy text on, then drop my first video on a timeline (pip or master track?) and then repeat over and over..... jesus christ this is annoying.

Thanks for the replies but its hardly a step by step guide I was looking for...
Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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Aknot, I have tried virtually all of the editing programs out there and I have to tell you they ALL require a learning curve.

Now that I understand exactly what you want you don't even need pip's all you need is the master track and a color board for whatever color you want as a background to your title separating each clip plus your title in the title track and you are all done. It would take you all of 2 minutes to do the first clip.

Either type in color board in the help file or follow Cranston's link to a video that will show you how to use the color boards and your set.

Sometimes you just have to do a bit of work yourself to find the solutions.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 21. 2010 08:23

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Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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Maybe this will help. See 4th post down. Click here PDtoots for a collection of PowerDirector Tutorials and Tips
Aknot [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 20, 2010 16:36 Messages: 9 Offline
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Quote: Maybe this will help. See 4th post down.

Thats the one, I now have a patch of hair left, lol.

Its odd though how you have to import a colour board and also a text title, I would of thought that you could instert a blank background and then right click it and then adjusted the colour and then added text, it seems a couple of extra annoying steps just to perform what I would consider to be a very simple task.

Thanks all the same anyhoo,
Cap'n Kevin
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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Hi Aknot,

Just a quick comment. I totally understand your frustration while you are learning to use Power Director. It takes time and practice to use it. But you would be in the same boat with any video editing software that you chose. Video editing isn't "easy" when you are first learning to do it. This is true for ANY video editing software that is available. Stick with it and it will get easier... But you may find that you will end up spending hours learning it....just ask my wife!

Rest assured as you become familiar with how to access the different features it will make better sense to you....hopefully. It is also helpful to watch lots of videos and try to figure out how they were created. You can learn lots by watching what others create. It's building process and it doesn't happen in an afternoon or a weekend. What you find difficult to do will find easier the next time you try to do the same thing.

We were all in your shoes at one time....learning how to use this program. Boy....I can remember how frustrated I was too in the beginning!! And we all are still learning new is a never ending process. But it did get easier....Read the forum....absorb what you can....

We are always willing to help you with anything you are having trouble with....we will be here for you. That to me is a very valuable resource.

You may find that it you need to watch the video tutorials several times before it makes sense to you.

Just a few words of encouragement!!

Good Luck,


Check out PDtoots. PowerDirector Tutorials and more! Over 5,000 Subscribers.
Aknot [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 20, 2010 16:36 Messages: 9 Offline
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All I want to do know is make a DVD but with a chapter/title on the front of the DVD so that you dont have to sit through the whole DVD but can go straight to a part of the DVD.

Im asking a lot here, lol.
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