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How to remove the default "Produce.mp4" title from video when exporting.
RichardPMiller [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 28, 2023 09:41 Messages: 3 Offline
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Every video I produce I get a default title added to it which interferes with the title I add myself: "Produce.mp4"

I cannot find any option in settings to stop this being added to every video i produce and it's both annoying and looks terrible.

How do I configure the software to NOT place this title in any videos please?

Thanks :
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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There are a couple ways to do this. The most obvious is to save your project with a unique name before you produce the video, and that name will be used when you export. For example, if you save the project as Super Video, you'll see Super Video.mp4 in the Export to: box

Another option is to click on the elipsis (...) button to the right of that box and manually name the clip anything you want.
RichardPMiller [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 28, 2023 09:41 Messages: 3 Offline
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Thanks for your answer. Is there any way to prevent any title from being embedded in the first place?

Obviously we have the function to add titles if we want to, so I don't get why this is forced onto a produced video!
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Can you provide two screenshots. The first one of your exact version. You do this by clicking the PowerDirector icon in the top left corner and then take a screenshot of the window that opens.

The second screenshot should be of your entire project's timeline.

Please attach them in your reply.

PowerDirector Moderator

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JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote Every video I produce I get a default title added to it which interferes with the title I add myself: "Produce.mp4"

I cannot find any option in settings to stop this being added to every video i produce and it's both annoying and looks terrible.

How do I configure the software to NOT place this title in any videos please?

Thanks :

It sounds like you are talking about playback of the file outside of PD. The display of the filename at the bottom during playback is player dependent. For instance, in the VLC player, disable the title by going to Tools > Preferences > Subtitle & OnScreen Display & unchecking it.

RichardPMiller [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 28, 2023 09:41 Messages: 3 Offline
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Oh right, thanks!

I use YouTube to upload my videos, so perhaps that has an option not to display the file name as a title? I will have to take a look!
Senior Contributor Location: Home Joined: Apr 06, 2016 19:03 Messages: 703 Offline
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Quote Oh right, thanks!

I use YouTube to upload my videos, so perhaps that has an option not to display the file name as a title? I will have to take a look!

As “optodata” mentioned your project name, it will be transferred to the exported video.
But you can and should also name it when exporting the video.
I think there is no way to disable the title of your video on Youtube, you have to be careful to create your video with the correct name, but you can rename it before uploading to Youtube.
Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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And when you use the upload feature of YouTube itself, and/or use the YouTube content editor, you always have the option to edit and change the title of you video. The filename that is used for the upload cannot be changed on the YouTube platform.
And for completness sake: after the export/production from PD, you can of course always change the filename of the produced video.
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