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Keyboard stops working
Aaron_Ghost [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 06, 2016 03:37 Messages: 2 Offline
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So this is odd. I will be editing and at some point hit the Delete Key. Which opens the box for close gap/leave gap. But at some point hitting the Delete key doesn't bring up the box. However it gets worse. At that moment the keyboard has stopped working. Its got power still. But if leave Power Director 365 the Keyboard still doesn't wrk. Not in browsers, Discord or anywhere. The Keyboard troubleshooter dectects no issues. There is no error message.A system restart or unplugging/replugging in the keyboard will fix the issue but that is impractical.
It is not a system lock up as the mouse works and PD365 still works. I can do anything in any program as normal if it can be done with the mouse.
I can use the computer all day long with no issues. This happens 100% of the time when using Power Director 365 in the last week.
I have uninstalled X-Mouse Button control in case it was conflicting for some reason. I have used it for the last couple of years without issue. I have uninstalled and reinstalledPower director 365 and the issue remains. Its so strange. Its like the system knows the keyboard is there but something is happening in PD365 that is making it that the keystrokes do not register anywhere.
Any ideas are appreciated.
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optodata [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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It actually sounds like it's a hardware issue with your keyboard and the Del key, like maybe something shorts out when you press it.

After you unplug/replug it, does the Del key work mormally in other programs? Close PD365 first just to be sure.

I think that trying a new keyboard would probably solve the issue
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Aaron_Ghost [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 06, 2016 03:37 Messages: 2 Offline
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After a restart or unplugging/plugging the keyboard will work fine again. Including in PD365 for a little while before happening again.
I have plugged in a spare keyboard which is horrible but for testing purposes. So far it hasn't locked up in PD365. I am going to plug the other keyboard back in and open a word doc and delete randomly in it with the delete key to see if I can get the problem to happen in a different program. If so then its probably the cool keyboard at fault for sure.

Thanks for the response.

Quote It actually sounds like it's a hardware issue with your keyboard and the Del key, like maybe something shorts out when you press it.

After you unplug/replug it, does the Del key work mormally in other programs? Close PD365 first just to be sure.

I think that trying a new keyboard would probably solve the issue
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