first of all I have mpg clips from other past editors (call it birthday clip). I can play these clips with Window Media Player and have sound. Currently with PD5 I have sound upon capture to mpg (mpeg 2 format). When I try to play the mpg clips or the completed mpg produced file all sound is lost. If I go back into the editor and again edit the project, all sound is heard while in the editor. What is it about capturing Mpeg 2 clips with PD5 that creates mpg clips or projects with incompatible audio tracks for windows media player?
Again media player does plays sound on other older mpg clips created outside of Power Director.
Last unknown to me is exactly what the difference of mpeg 1 and mpeg 2 is. I think both have the same extention of .mpg? I am not positive if my birthday mpeg is mpeg 1 or mpeg 2 format. Birthday has the .mpg extention. I'm assuming media player is without fault because this old Birthday mpeg plays sound. I hope there is not some quirky difference between mpeg 1 and mpeg 2. thus corruption in mpeg 2 play back and not mpeg 2 playback of sound....I'm reaching trying to think of what I haven't yet learned about all this.
I appreciate anyones input as I'm looking at just a reinstall to see if I can fix this from a clean system. By the way the editor is not on the net, really does not have much in the way of packages installed on it. Its pretty much XP, itunes, Office, directx, adobe acrobat, PD5 and an install of AOL 9.0 which hasn't been even been used. I'm not sure if AOL is the devil. Deleting AOL, PD5 and reinstalling PD5 didn't do anything for creating mpeg 2 files with sound.
Wayne Shooting the Video and the Rapids 2011
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