This would work for lyrics, but this is an hour long church service with multiple cameras, I can make it do what I want, it just takes forever, need a way to fade it automatically, or all at once.
Have you looked at the scrolling title types? You can try it paragraph style and have them scroll up and fade off the screen.
Another way might be by creating your own color board and having the Lyric's etc. scroll up and fade out as they go off the color board background.
Either way, you won't need the colorboard if you don't want it. Perhaps a bottom mask would suit your needs better, then just have the words as titles scrolling through?
I have not, still learning the features, I'll look into it when I get home.
Hi, I am doing videos with lyrics and am trying to figure out a way to either auto transition/fade by way of template or fade a lot of titles at once. We are putting black text on top of a white bar, need a fade between title, there are a lot of titles. Thanks for your help.